100th Anniversary of Social Novel Writing in Iran

  • 100th Anniversary of Social Novel Writing in Iran
  • 100th Anniversary of Social Novel Writing in Iran
  • 100th Anniversary of Social Novel Writing in Iran
  • 100th Anniversary of Social Novel Writing in Iran

Los Angeles, California Jun 27, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - Social novel writing was not always accepted and welcomed in Iran, which makes the 100th anniversary worth noting. For a large part of history, novels did not address the relationships within society, and how that society addressed women in particular. FirouzMedia is introducing The Terrible Tehran, the first social novel in Iran. It was written by MrMortezaMoshfeqKazemi, in 1922. This novel is about female sex workers and is both focused on the lives of women and narrates how women in Iranian society were treated. Following World War One there was a wave of political corruption and signs of decaying morals throughout the country that are depicted within this book, particularly as they affected women within that society.

At 19 years of age, he chose to write this novel with a modern approach often used in western countries but based it upon Persian folk tales, for a combined effect that is far more than either would achieve alone. Sometimes referred to as chaotic, or weak artistically, it is most often considered to be well written and hosts a set of characters that were created purposely to move the story along without any outside entanglements or a focus on their own individual identity. The side stories are well developed, and the details included are key to the progression and resolution as well as the emotional connection between the book and the reader.

This quote from the book, found on page 58, is a stunning example of the way it spoke to people.


I was completely miserable, I was afraid that his threats would come true, and I knew very well that I would not be able to easily prove in any court that he was the real culprit. Because I am a woman and, in this environment, there is no right for me and my type.

 in a country where women do not have the right to express their opinion about their husband for a lifetime, in an environment where husbands can treat their wives anyhow, where women are considered as furniture and if they are old and Burnout can easily be changed. In a country where a man can point out the slightest flaw in a woman. But the poor woman does not even have the right to object to the filth of the man. What could I do? The depth of the abyss that he had opened in front of me was embodied in me. I did not see a way out for myself. Immediately tears flowed from my eyes, and I cried loudly, but unless these tears broke the barrier of his greed, and these waters quenched the fire of his greed.

Instead, he said softly with all his might:

‘Crying is useless, it is not the time for this, you must go for it.’


Within this novel are portrayals of how the sociopolitical structure affects female sexuality and addresses these effects specifically in reference to sigheh and sex work. Pushing back against the system of sigheh, allowing people to be married for a set period of time and then separated without consequence, shows how this practice allows the exploitation of women. The societal exploitation of women, through both sigheh and sex work, leads to stigmatizing and marginalizing women, leaving them without the tools or ability to further their own lives and keeping them oppressed. Through the exploration of these topics within The Terrible Tehran, it is determined that women can reclaim the power that has been lost to them and change the way that women are perceived, improving their autonomy and situation in society as a whole.

Their recent publication, The Morning After written by Ms. Fattaneh Haj SeyedJavadi. This book addresses relationships between young men and women and has been the source of strong debate since its first publication in 1994. Those who find value in the representation of the relationships find it a positive influence on those who read it, showing them positive ways to approach relationships, while others say it as being defensive of the nobility while humiliating the lower class.

FirouzMedia has books available worldwide and supports both chain and independent bookstores in their goal of getting important books into the hands of readers. Found in Barnes and Noble or Walmart throughout the United States as well as Waterstones and Blackwells in the UK, Fishpond in New Zealand, and Booktopia in Australia. Operating largely online and via cloud access, they have writers, translators, authors, editors, designers, marketing, and more, all working from their locations to ensure the best people are in each job, regardless of where they live. FirouzMedia is focused on releasing the isolation that surrounds Iranian writers and their stories, ensuring these stories are heard around the world.

This is a time in history where Iranian writers can find their place among the other writers of the world, and find their works published through companies such as FirouzMedia. By adding these voices to others around the world, there is a clearer view of women and how society depicts them.


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