Skerries, Dublin Jan 30, 2019 ( - New release memoir 17 & Life.
The coming of age memoir is a second book from author Aidan Mc Nally.
Aidan hails from Dublin Ireland and has spilled his life story to us before in TWO sons TOO many, his new book 17 & Life will bring the reader to ask themselves the same questions that Aidan seeks answers to.
Growing up from a small fishing village in Ireland, Aidan has traveled the world to gain his writing abilities and share with us his experiences. In his first memoir, he has opened the reader's eyes to some of his many difficult encounters and yet he finds a way to inspire us beyond what we can believe or spur us beyond our own imaginable capabilities.
17 & Life asks the reader to question along with the author of how do we end up anywhere in life. Can we be confined by our circumstances or restricted by lack of belief in self? The coming of age memoir shows how when given the moment or space to think, then anything becomes possible and it is upon ourselves to make right a wrong or become clear in what action must be taken. Sweet sixteen is a beautiful birthday party, eighteen is a milestone of legally obtaining many adult rights. Why seventeen is stuck in the middle year? Can our decisions then shape the rest of entire life?
The transformation from teenager to adult is a weird time, to say the least in anybody's life and the author shares with us his very own personal experiences from fun to mistakes and into the very depth of his own thoughts when faced with an "end of the road" situation.
Aidan intends to make charitable contributions for every sale or his new paperback which is now live (29 January 2019) and available on Amazon. The charity is one near and dear to his heart SADS IRELAND.
Aidan and his writing whether it be his memoirs, blog, poetry or random tweeting
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TWO sons TOO many