2021 Most Inspirational Women Announces the Impossibly Possible Book

Hamilton, Ontario Apr 22, 2021 (Issuewire.com)  - Stefanie Lethbridge and Chelsea Rolph are proud to offer their latest book on May 26, 2021, “Impossibly Possible,” after being named one of 2021 Most Inspirational Women.

Impossibly Possible is a manifesting guide to living your dream life. Imagine being free, confident, happy, authentic, and achieving any goal you set for yourself. We believe that anyone can turn a seemingly impossible situation into a possible dream life. Not only are there words to be read, but there are videos to be watched and words to be written. Through the power of gratitude, manifestation, and learning how to believe in yourself, you are going to learn that your life is Impossibly Possible. 

About The Authors

Stefanie Lethbridge is the Co-Founder of CS Planners and was named one of 2021’s most Inspirational Women by Mo2Vate Magazine. After losing her son in 2016 and being told by fertility doctors that she couldn’t have kids, she shocked everyone with a healthy daughter! She now lives her dream life and is on a mission to inspire others that the impossible is possible. 

Chelsea Rolph is the Co-Founder of CS Planners and is on a mission to help heal your mind and soul so you can start living your dream life. After being told by doctors that she had a learning disability from her concussions, she was told she wouldn’t be able to pass University. She became unstoppable, making the impossible possible and graduating with the rest of her class without any extra accommodations. She now has her Bachelor of Arts in Social Science.

Please contact Stefanie Lethbridge at CS Planners (info@csplanners.com) to request an advanced copy of Impossibly Possible or to schedule an interview. For more information about us, visit www.csplanners.com



Media Contact

CS Planners info@csplanners.com http://www.csplanners.com
Categories : Books , Business , Home business , Literature , Publishing
Tags : manifesting , book , new book , book release , most inspirational women , mindset , author
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