2nd Edition of Virology World Conference

Virology 2023

Anzio, Roma Dec 7, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - Magnus Group seeks the honour of your presence at its 2nd Edition of Virology World Conference” (VIROLOGY 2023) during June 21-22, 2023  in Rome, ItalyThe congress will move with its primary theme “Combating Global Pandemics through Virology Research & Innovations.” which will emphasize the latest trends, recent breakthroughs, and solutions adapted to the challenges faced in the field of virology and allied fields.

The virology global Consortium will explore, define and attempt to provide a forum for sharing and discussing all the latest advancements, breakthroughs, the possible benefits and drawbacks of vaccinations, and will address issues related to disease prevention and control. Plenary talks, keynote sessions, and oral and e-poster presentations will keep you abreast of the recent trends in the field of virology. The discussions on viruses at this global consortium will unite a unique panel of researchers, scientists, virologists, vaccine developers, and academicians to share their novel findings and deliberate on the recent trends in the field of virology. We'll also look into new technology for analysing viruses and massive datasets, as well as diagnostic tools for enhancing public health.

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Reach us at:
Contact Email: virology@magnusconference.com
Phone: +1 (702) 988-2320
WhatsApp: +1 (540) 709 1879
Dates: June 21-22, 2023
Venue: Rome, RM, Italy
Website: https://virology.magnusconferences.com/
Abstract submission: https://virology.magnusconferences.com/submit-abstract
Registration: https://virology.magnusconferences.com/register Social Media Link:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Virologyconf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Virologyevent
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLtH0EIiRfFWaIOwuYL5IEw

Magnus Group LLC - https://www.magnusgroup.org/
Conference Manager: Martha Anthony 
Organiser Address: Magnus Group LLC
                                         150 South Wacker Drive #2400
                                         Chicago, IL 60606, USA


Media Contact

Magnus Group LLC *****@magnusconference.com 07029882320 Rome, Italy https://virology.magnusconferences.com/
Categories : Health , Pets , Science
Tags : Virology 2023 , General Virology , RNA Viruses , Prokaryotic Virology
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