Newport Beach, California Oct 24, 2018 ( - Nicholas S. Prukop, fitness guru turned author, has laid out the plans for his future. And getting older is definitely far from it. His first book, Healthy Aging & You: Your Journey to Becoming Happy, Healthy & Fit, is where he details how health enthusiasts can avoid being worn down by aging and how they can bring back their fitness A game.
Years of rigid training and testing on what works and what doesn’t for each body, have made the author realize what it takes to live a life fueled by passion.
“If we live from passion and we live from joy and committed to our purpose, we become healthy. Because we’re going to do everything we can to stay healthy so we can live our purpose. Health comes from within us, it’s not something that someone can give us. It’s something we have to develop on our own,” he says.
Prukop wants to encourage everyone to be more proactive and responsive combined rather than being reactive. “It has been said that we spend our health getting our wealth, and spend our wealth trying to get our health back. That is just wrong in my book.”
Through his book, he wants to leave a legacy and be remembered as the one who helped them achieve a happier, healthier and fitter life.
Healthy Aging & You: Your Journey to Becoming Happy, Healthy & Fit
Nicholas S. Prukop
Paperback | $16.99
Book copies are available at
About the Author
Nicholas S. Prukop is a certified lifestyle and weight management consultant and a personal trainer. He’s been in the health industry for twenty-five years, helping clients with different fitness and wellness issues. After losing his father to cancer, Prukop has been dedicating his life on improving people’s overall health in different ages.
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