A Social Worker’s Unyielding Faith in God May Be the Key to Power

Author Shares How to Restore a Nation’s Strength Through Divine Intervention

  • A Social Worker’s Unyielding Faith in God May Be the Key to Power

Phoenix, Arizona Oct 22, 2018 (Issuewire.com)  - The spine-chilling tragedies of the September 11, 2011 attack have framed Luisa Mirella Plancher’s debut book, The Strength of the Nation, on where the real power of a nation lies. She believes that the determining factor is not merely on military strength or diplomatic influence but more on the spiritual sensibilities of the nation’s leaders and citizens.

The author explains that arising conflicts from local or international organizations can be resolved by the intervention of political bodies. But in most cases, political or military-backed solutions are temporary in nature. Establishing long-term solutions can only be achieved if agreed upon policies between nations are grounded on divine principles. It’s her firm conviction that working together—with religion as the source of guidance—is the answer to global quandaries.

Furthermore, she proposes that breaking religious barriers that separate countries and resolving issues without resorting to power play,  are only a few of the many necessary steps that the US has to take. She believes that things will eventually start falling into place, with the US becoming great again—as the beacon of strength among other nations—and surpass hurdles thrown its way in light of God’s teachings and belief systems.

The aftermath of the September 11 attack compelled the author to revise the title of her first book, from The Angel of the Lord to The Strength of the Nation. Plancher’s work will be one of the inspirational books that readers will find displayed in the upcoming Texas Book Festival from October 27 to 28, 2018 and on the Miami Book Fair from November 11 to 18, 2018.


The Strength of the Nation

Luisa Mirella Plancher

Paperback | $15.99

Book copies are available at www.luisamirellaplancher.com


About the Author

Luisa Mirella Plancher is an Italian school teacher who married an American citizen in 1970.  She earned a degree in Political Science and focused on social work when she moved to the US.  The tragedies of 9/11 substantiated her belief in rebuilding and drawing strength from spiritual power.


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Categories : Books , Literature , Marketing , Publishing , Religion
Tags : American Politics , Religion , Angel of God , Texas Book Festival , self publishing

Authors Press

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