New Delhi, Delhi Jul 15, 2021 ( - "A23 Online Rummy Brings You India's Biggest Rummy Indian Open (RIO) 2021 with a Prize Pool of Rs.25 Crores. Start playing RIO Tournament and be the winner of Rs.1 Crore with just an Rs.11 Entry Fee. Download the App & Get Instant Signup Welcome Bonus of Rs.5000 + Rs200 Instant Cash Addition."
Rummy, a game of skill, has been around for two centuries and over the years has evolved as one of the foremost popular games, not just in the international market but in India too. Today, whether it is youngsters or the old generation, everyone loves playing card games as it not just beats boredom but also develops essential skills like mathematical calculations and mind reading.
Owing to its acceptance and popularity, the game of Rummy has witnessed a significant transformation and enhancement from traditional to new-age platforms. In India, Rummy has not just been contended in homes, clubs, and casinos now, as recently, a lot of passionate players from across geographical boundaries are flocking to online sites to experience a refreshingly new and exciting dose of online rummy. The idea behind this transition from traditional card games to digital games is to connect ordinary people to a secure platform so that they can easily access and play games from anywhere, with experienced rummy players on the platform 24/7. All one needs is a smartphone and internet connection, to play Rummy games anytime, anywhere.
Ace2Three ( is the first company to introduce online rummy to the Indian gaming industry. Since then, A23 has brought digital gaming experiences to more than 22 million+ Rummy players and perfected them in Rummy. Recently, the company has also announced the biggest tournament in online rummy history, A23 Rummy Indian Open (RIO) 2021 which is a three-month-long tournament that began on 22 May 2021 and will end with a grand finale to be hosted on August 22, 2021. With a total prize pool of Rs.250 million, A23 RIO is expected to witness over two hundred thousand online rummy enthusiasts in India coming together to flex their skills on a common platform from the comfort of their homes. It is for all Indian residents above the age of 18 years, and it follows a no-bias exclusion format, distributed within the qualification structure. This exciting tournament gives all the participants will hold a fair chance to compete with an entry fee of just Rs 11 and win big, with the tournament winner taking prize money of Rs 1 crore.
Expressing his views on the tournament Deepak Gullapalli, Founder and CEO of Head Digital Works, said: "We are delighted to introduce the first-ever classic online rummy platform in India which aims to provide all the ardent gamers with an ultimate option to enhance their gaming experience. Our A23 RIO Rummy Tournament 2021 will provide an opportunity to Indians to not just achieve major victories but also hone their skills by playing one of their favorite online games which are interactive, challenging, and exciting.”
"We sincerely hope this game can bring much-needed positivity and happiness to the Indian players, especially in this unprecedented difficult time of pandemic wherein everyone is struggling to keep up with grief, anxiety, and worry. “, he further added.
A23 kicked off the online tournament with a fascinating audio-visual activity, detailing the structure of the tournament, including various tournament elements from the registration process to the leaderboards and finals. The event was broadcasted on social media and other digital platforms, attracting the attention of rummy fans across India. A23 is known for its successful Indian Latin American Championships, and over the years, the popularity of these tournaments among digital players has increased significantly. In the past, A23 provided a winning format for online rummy tournaments including daily tournaments such as Sit & Go tournaments for beginners and special tournaments such as ‘Knockout Bash’, ‘Royal Ace Tourney’, and ‘Ace Ride’.
The new online rummy avatar A23 ( has a new user interface (UI) and eye-catching graphics which will attract the attention of gamers across India. The updated platform recently added features such as ‘Turbo Table’ and ‘Sit & Go’ format to the online gaming industry for the first time. Turbo Tables enable faster game speed and less delay between opponents' hands. Sit & Go allows players to play multiple tables in a row and switch tables after playing cards. Players can also occupy a seat at the 6-person table and then leave until the table is full and start the game, while the player continues to play at other tables.
A23 is the only Online Rummy platform with a "private table" where players can play with friends and family, test their favourite rummy skills anywhere, anytime through the Internet and mobile devices. Bringing in such breakthrough inventions, A23 strives to create interactive online entertainment and a perfect gaming experience for all rummy lovers.
While playing Rummy, players must quickly access the odds of winning and be able to make the right decision with quick thinking, picking, and discarding the cards.
Rummy contends with 2 decks of cards with two Jokers. Cards in all suits rank from low to high: Ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen King. Once the set is created, the ace is used as a card or playing card. To win, one must declare 1st and so meld the cards in hand properly as per the foundations of the Rummy game. As they say, practice makes a man perfect. The same applies to Rummy, the more you play the more your decision-making improves.
If you have got the talent and confidence, you stand a chance to win the leaderboard. Play online rummy on A23 and show off your gaming skills to enter the A23 skill points leaderboard. Here, Prime 500 players from the Weekly Talent Points Ace Elite Leaderboard can share a Cash Prize of Rs.5 Lakhs from the Weekly Pool. However, Talent Points are calculated based mostly upon the rummy count you have at the tip of a game and your winning percentage. The more games you win and the more rummy count you scale back, the higher are going to be your points.
To induce more talent points, avoid dropping once the primary spherical to stay your count minimum once the opponent places the show, confirm you re-arrange the cards to attenuate the count and avoid putting wrong shows throughout the game.
Gambling is what is illegal in India, and rummy is not gambling as declared by some High Courts and as has been recognized as a game of skill by the Hon'ble Supreme court of India.
To make sure that the game contends in an exceedingly fair manner, A23 uses a Random Number Generator to distribute the cards, a method that is utterly tamper-proof. Further, the app follows all regulations, like obligatorily seeking KYC details of all players. It conjointly verifies the IP address of every player. And whereas A23 encourages all players to fancy the game fully, it also requests them to be responsible players.
A23 provides some exciting bonuses and offers to its players which include Pseudo Bonus and Welcome Bonus.
Signup for A23 Rummy Games and Get a Joining Bonus of Rs.50 Free cash. Download the A23 Real Cash Rummy Mobile App and Get Rs.50 Free Bonus to play real cash rummy games on your mobile devices.
Use Bonus Code: WELCOME175 & enjoy a welcome bonus of 175% up to Rs.5000* + Rs.200 Instant Cash. Offer valid till 31st of August 2021 on first cash addition.
A23 provides an excellent way to socialize and avail of this opportunity to play with totally different minds. You can also bring your friends to Ace2three and acquire rewards up to Rs. 15000, for each friend simply in 3 easy steps: -
Step1: Invite them via email/SMS/social channels from our platform or by sharing your referral code. Once your friend registers, he/she will receive a special gift voucher, ace points, and a special 1st cash addition bonus code.
Step 2: Once your friend makes his/her first cash addition, you'll be eligible for a bonus supported by your ace level.
Step 3: Once your friend starts playing on Ace2three, you'll get a share of the amount that your friend spends by playing on Ace2three. This bonus is going to be free to your account as a daily bonus whenever your friends play.
Download A23 Online Rummy APK on website/App. Download A23 Rummy Android App Available on Play Store & iOS App Available on App Store.
You can download the new A23 Rummy App from
Download A23 Rummy App for Android & iOS on Mobile.
Being a responsible platform itself, A23 incorporates a responsible gaming policy that consists of many measures to make sure the users still play and luxuriate in their favorite rummy expertise in a very safe manner. Our latest initiative “Play Responsibly” aims to coach players on gaming addiction. We provide a responsible gaming policy to assist users to avoid adverse consequences of continuous gaming.
Alerts: Proactive alerts through emails, notifications, and personalized phone calls if loose gaming patterns are identified.
Add cash Limits: Alter fixed daily and monthly purchase limits to your account. A player can move to higher add cash limits solely when an increased KYC and confirmation from our endways validity or his/her records and gameplay activity.
Well Trained Customer Care: Our support agents are well-trained to acknowledge responsible gaming problems and so take the mandatory steps.
Also, we have got some advice for its users/players:
- You need to be 18 Years older to play real money rummy set aside a monthly budget and time limit to play rummy.
- Avoid continuous play. Take regular breaks If you're fighting irritability and restlessness.
About Head Digital Works:
Head Digital Works is a leading Indian online gaming company that develops and provides skill-based game applications for the online gaming industry. Head Digital Works (HDW) operates India's most profitable online platform, A23, with more than 22 million+ registered users. It was founded in 2006 and is one of the most profitable startups in India. The company’s other product portfolio includes fantasy sports through FanFight (7 million registered users), Witty Games’ social gaming division, and the recently launched cricket content platform with more than 1 million+ users, brings a whole new experience to cricket fans who pay more and more attention to using data in-game live broadcast scenes to provide an immersive second-screen experience.
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