About the New Chairman & CEO Michael Mansouri

San Francisco, California Feb 2, 2020 (Issuewire.com)  - About the New Chairman & CEO Michael Mansouri

michael mansouri has a track record of building value for shareholders and successful exits. Mansouri was Chairman, President and CEO of iPass Inc., a leading provider of global roaming and security company with a successful exit in 2003 (NASDAQ:IPAS) for $1.8 billion. He served as President and CEO of OmniTrust Security Systems, a leading provider of content security, which was sold in 2005 to Heisei Denden of Japan. Most recently he was co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Avalon Global Solutions, a leading provider of managed mobility solutions and cyber security services, which he sold in 2011 to Widepoint Communications. Mansouri began his high tech career in software design and held senior management positions at Sprint International, ACSI, Intermedia Communication and Teleglobe Commercial Services. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science and Statistics from Utah State University, MS in Management Sciences from George Washington University and completed an Executive program in corporate strategy from the MIT Sloan School of Management.


Media Contact

Michael Mansouri michealmansouri06@gmail.com Palo Alto, California http://michaelmansouri.com/

Source : Entrepreneur & Angel Investor

Categories : Family
Tags : michael mansouri

Michael Mansouri

Palo Alto, California

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