Alternative & Integrative Medicine- Issue Release Month

2019: Lets promote Science together

Hyderabad, Telangana Nov 14, 2019 (  - Alternative & Integrative Medicine is an International Peer-reviewed- Open Access Journal that aims to publish a complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and current developments as original articles and making them available online without any subscriptions to the researchers worldwide. The reality is that the Journal wants to support all researchers, professor, students, a scientist by providing the best choice as to how and where they can publish their free research.

It is the beginning to move toward for further advance research in the Scientific fields

Listed and indexed in the reputed indexing sites like EBSCO, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research Publons, the Alternative & Integrative Medicine is committed to ‘Creative Commons’ policy of publishing the scholarly articles on open access forum, after a thorough peer review. With the journal impact factor of 0.78* and ISSN: 2327-5162, the journal has demonstrated substantial impact in all the relevant fields of medical research including the different field of Pharmaceutical chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, and Medicinal plants and many more.

The journal is enjoying the staunch support of Omics, a faithful publisher committed to medical science research. Established in 2007, the Omics Group has become an ultimate destination to the world-class, peer-review medical journals till date.

The review process of the manuscript is performed by the editorial board members of Alternative & Integrative Medicine or outside experts; at least two independent reviewer’s approval followed by editor approval is required for the acceptance of any citable manuscript.

Being an Online access journal Alternative & Integrative Medicine is using Online Journal Management System for Online manuscript submission, Online review system, Online Publishing Tools, Editorial control panel and for tracking. At least two independent reviewer’s approval followed by the editor is required for the acceptance of any citable manuscript.

Let’s promote Science together and let the world know what Omics is doing so they too can take advantage of our free research!

Discover information in fields like

*Ayurvedic Medicine,

*Homeopathic Medicines,

*Traditional Chinese Medicine,

*Holistic Medicine,

*Osteopathic Medication,

*Unani Medicine,


*Shiatsu Medicine and many more and the general sustainability of our planet.

The whole scientific fraternity dealing with the pharmacy is eagerly waiting for the novel research during this year in the Alternative & Integrative Medicine for upcoming issue Volume 8 Issue 4 and the issues are expected to garner worldwide interest and create significant momentum for the efforts to alleviate the mankind.

Be a part of our Scientific Journey by contributing your outstanding research work with us.

Cyrene Jacob
Journal Manager
Editorial Office- Omics
Email ID:

What’s app: +44-7482878454


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Alternative and Integrative Medicine - Open Access Publisher

Source : Omics International

Categories : Books , Publishing , Research , Science , Technology
Tags : Alternative Medicine , Herbal medicine , Integrative Medicine

Alternative and Integrative Medicine - Open Access Publisher
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