Announcing New Book Genetics Of Ashkenazi Jews

Mediterranean And Middle Eastern People In The European Diaspora

Ramat Hasharon, Tel Aviv Mar 25, 2021 (  - Author Joshua Robbin Marks Announces the Release of Genetics Of Ashkenazi Jews: Mediterranean And Middle Eastern People In The European Diaspora

From the author of "Seed Of Israel: DNA Guide To Tracing Your Jewish Ancestry" comes this great dive into the history of Ashkenazi Jews. While controversial debates spark disagreements on the crystallization of this Jewish Diaspora, modern genetic studies and personal DNA samples finally conclude the Levantine Middle Eastern and Mediterranean roots of Ashkenazi ancestry: Judean people from the Holy Land that journeyed across the Mediterranean to the bottleneck of Europe.

Editorial Reviews

"I have been following the research of Joshua Robbin Marks for quite some time and I find it very interesting as it represents a scientific response to that cultural narrative which identifies a solid Ashkenazi presence in Southern Italy. The Talmudic 'hut in Greek Italy' mentioned in Shabbat 56b is in fact further specified by Josephus who, as regards the population of Reggio Calabria, says: 'Aschenez instituit Aschenageos qui nunc Rhegini vocantur a Graecis,' i.e. 'Aschenez gave rise to the Ashkenazis, who are now called Reggini by the Greeks living there.' This research, therefore, confirms the solidity of knowledge that was dismissed as a set of unreliable legends in the past so far. What is more, Marks's research also confirms the theory of a Semitism forced to conversion which is still present in those territories, and sometimes lives underground in local traditions." -- Gennaro A. Avano, head of Italy-Israel National Association, Ascoli Piceno

"Ashkenazi Jews are a diaspora population that traces its civilizational origins back to the Levant region of the Middle East. They are similar in nature to other Levantine populations such as Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian Arabs. Yet many critics have continued to cast doubt over the legitimacy of Ashkenazi Jewry as a valid representation of a Semitic Middle Eastern population. Joshua Robbin Marks takes a close look at the story of Ashkenazi Jews from a range of different perspectives and places their origins where they belong. The viewpoint presented in this work should be considered by anyone with an interest in the subject." -- Dr. Sherry Sufi Ph.D., author of "From Cavemen to Countrymen: The Linguistic Roots of Nationalism"

About The Author

A native of Washington, D.C., Joshua Robbin Marks is a veteran journalist with a diversity of assignments including reporting on the entertainment industry for Variety Magazine, local news for CBS Los Angeles, the young professional Jewish community in Washington, D.C. for Washington Jewish Week and most recently covering the Middle East and North Africa region for The Media Line news agency in Jerusalem. Joshua currently is based in Israel.

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US Phone: +1-323-309-1579

Israel Phone: +972-53-398-6087

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Media Contact

Author Joshua Robbin Marks +1-323-309-1579
Categories : Books , Education , Literature , Publishing , Religion
Tags : Ashkenazi , Jewish , Jews , genetics , DNA , ancestry
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