Apostle J. Vernon Duncan Republishes His Book “Kingdom Wealth: The Power to Get It”

Wilmington, Delaware Oct 17, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - God is concerned with our holistic development on earth. He is not just mindful to develop us spiritually, but also socially, physically, psychologically, financially, and otherwise. He wants us to have all things that pertain to life and Godliness. He also wants us to benefit from the wealth of His love for us—in God’s own words to Isaiah the prophet: “If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land.” The earth has plenty of resources to meet all our needs. However, many individuals do not benefit from this rich provision, owing to the unfamiliarity with the biblical tenets for obtaining wealth and well-being. Many have sought to become wealthy but have ended up losing their dignity and integrity, hurting themselves and other people in the process. Others have seemingly satisfied themselves financially but only at considerable expense to themselves and others around them—emotionally, physically, relationally, environmentally, morally, or spiritually.

Many people are extremely hesitant and apprehensive about associating God with wealth and have constantly depended on the flawed economic models around us to get ahead in life, only to be gravely frustrated. However, Apostle J. Vernon Duncan, Senior Pastor of Divine Encounters Fellowship Ministries International, boldly acclaims God’s role in biblical prosperity in his book Kingdom Wealth: The Power to Get It. He establishes the power of the Kingdom Economic Model, rooted in the fundamental agrarian economic principles of sowing and reaping (now investment and returns). In this book, Duncan extracts and develops a powerful truth found in Deuteronomy 8:18—that if we invest our financial resources in God and His Kingdom as a top priority, He, in turn, would grant us the multifaceted power (Hebrew koch) to get wealth (Hebrew `asa) [literally “to make money or acquire properties of all kinds”].

In his deliberations on the Hebrew koch, Duncan excitedly points out that the word carries eight nuances, according to the Brown, Driver, and Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon—power endowed on one to enhance ability, capacity, and efficiency; power as in creation; power as in prophecy; power as in deliverance; power associated with wisdom; power associated with the works of God; power associated with God’s rule in the earth; and power as of the soil. These nuances correspond to the many measures that the farmer uses to exploit the power of his seed once it is planted—watering, fertilizing, pest and disease control, weeding, use of hormones, etc. The farmer can only empower what is in the soil. In the same way, we only have the right to make creative, prophetic, deliverance, wisdom, awesome, dominion, and productivity declarations over our Kingdom investment (“money seed”) after it is planted in the Kingdom of God.  The power of the harvest is wrapped up in the seed only.

  • Vernon Duncan invites readers to explore one of the most comprehensive, well-rounded, and helpful discourses on biblical wealth ever documented. Get your copy today. Buy the book at amazon.com by clicking on this link: amzn.to/3yJLrI4, or barnesandnoble.com via: bit.ly/3D53v21 and other well-known online book outlets.

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Source : Great Writers Media LLC

Categories : Books , Literature , Publishing
Tags : wealth from God , power associated to God , money seed , biblical wealth , biblical prosperity

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