Arthurian legend makes a comeback in new epic historical novel

  • Arthurian legend makes a comeback in new epic historical novel

Croydon, Surrey Oct 22, 2021 (  - The Queen is back and this time she returns with a vengeance. The book entitled The Once and Future QueenGuinevere Reimagined is book one in the reimagined Arthurian legend stories. People will see a different side to Guinevere.

Author Parker J. Cole states, “Guinevere has totally changed. She is not like what you read in the classic Arthurian legend. She does more than cause a rift between Arthur and Lancelot. She is like the female Black Panther. Trained in combat, strong, charismatic, with a kingdom she serves, and has her own personality. I believe readers will be pleasantly surprised, and hopefully love the new Gwenhywfar (ancient spelling of Guinevere). I am aware there are readers who resist historical reimaginings, but I wrote the book with the intent to show a more modern take on Guinevere while still adhering to the romance of the legend. I thoroughly researched the time frame of which the story takes place to make sure I got historical elements as factual as possible.”

So why bring back the legendary Queen? “As we know the Arthurian legend is popular and remains to this day, however, Guinevere is explored within the context of her relationships with Arthur and Lancelot. I thought it would be fun to bring out this character more. What is her story? What are her challenges? The book will also explore the rich atmospheres of ancient Nubian culture alongside Anglo-Saxon culture, coming together which is what we need during this time, unity. It was fun to write so I really hope readers will see the fun and entertaining elements to the book.”

With such a commercially viable book why didn't it go with a traditional publishing house? “My agent sent submissions, and there was great positive feedback in regards to the manuscript, in fact, editors loved it but didn't take it on, and sometimes we got no response. I discussed it with my agent and we both agreed it was Guinevere’s time to shine and took matters into our own hands. I don't want to speculate into why it wasn't accepted, even with the positive feedback, I believe everything works well and for a reason. Maybe book two and three will be picked up. I have a contract with Mills and Boon for my other book, have bestselling books, and have a very loyal supportive readership which I am thankful for.”

The book entitled The Once and Future QueenGuinevere Reimagined. will be released on 22 April 2022 ( and will be available on major online retail stores such as Amazon, for pre-order.


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The Authors Care Agency Ltd

Source : Parker J. Cole

Categories : Books , Entertainment , Media , Publishing
Tags : historical romance fiction women novel mustread

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