Automated System For “Health Declaration”

Avi Infosys is pleased to announce about the release of our COVID-19 "Health Declaration" Automated System.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dec 17, 2020 (  - "Health Declaration" Automated System has commonly been used at a massive number of public gatherings like concerts, sports, events as well as the custom borders.

This “Health Declaration automated system is endorsed by UN-WTO as well as WHO's as Top COVID-19 Healing solution for Tourism.

Sometimes, "Health Declaration" is done on the paperwork, or less often on the web basis forms. Those 'Health Declarations" which are revealed on the paperwork, have always been much more time-consuming as well as labor-intensive.

Thus, AVI Infosys LLC consider it something important to replace these paper works with Digital Terminal based process or an automated system to fight against the pandemic like COVID-19. Thus, we are releasing COVID-19 "Health Declaration" automated system.

PACS terminal of this system is equipped with an interactive touch screen. This interactive touch screen of the PACS System helps to simplify the filling process. Even it saves time, which was to be spent on the re-entry on some other public places.

All the important data which may need to be re-checked or downloaded stays saved in the cloud. This data will be removed only after the 14 days have passed. 14 days is the maximum duration of days, within which the data will be stored.

There are a few user instructions regarding this Healing Solution for Tourism.

The foremost thing which we have to notice is that if the suspected person is experiencing any of the symptoms related to COVID-19 or even the flu.

Second, we have to inquire if the suspected person has traveled abroad or came in contact with any of the persons infected with COVID-19 within the last couple of weeks (14 days).

After both inquiries, if the answer is 'no' you are now supposed to enter your phone number and National ID card Number.

In this case, the terminal displays a 'green mark'. You are safe to Check-In any public places.

Whereas, in the case, the terminal gets to display a 'red cross', then it is most possible that you have come up in contact with a person who is infected with COVID-19. Thus, immediate care is needed. So from now, stay away from all the public gatherings as it can cause the virus to spread, and the consequences can be worst. 

As far as the unit price is concerned, it costs USD 400 per terminal. All the software installation cost, and maintenance fee of the first year, everything is included in the cost. After that, USD 100 is charged annually for the sake of maintenance of the unit.

Suppose this "Health Declaration " automated system can be added to be a regular thing in our future. In that case, it will be much easier for all of us and the masses to make a proper "Health Declaration", that too in a short time and at an affordable cost.



Media Contact

AVI Infosys LLC +971 4 358 7036
Categories : Security , Services , Software , Technology
Tags : Health Declaration , Automated System , Health Declaration Automated System , health declaration covid , PACS System , Check-In any public places , UNWTO and WHO's Top COVID-19 Healing Solution for Tourism , COVID-19 Healing Solution for Tourism

AVI Infosys LLC

AVI Infosys LLC is an eminent IT company, established with a mission to empower businesses and companies by enabling them to outperform the competition.
Dubai, Dubai
+971 4 358 7036
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