New York City, New York Sep 9, 2018 ( - Praised as “an excellent documentary… Documentary film directed by James Spooner, exploring the roles of African Americans within what was then an overwhelmingly white punk scene across the United States of America and abroad. The interviews cover issues of loneliness, exile, interracial dating, black power, and the dual lives led by people of color in communities that are primarily white.
This screening is sponsored by MoRUS.
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Hashtags #MuseumofReclaimedUrbanSpace #AfroPunkFilm #MoRUS #JamesSpooner #PoliticalPunkExhibit #Rockumentary #PunkHistory
Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space
The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS) chronicles the East Village community’s history of grassroots action. It celebrates the local activists who transformed abandoned spaces and vacant lots into vibrant community spaces and gardens. Many of these innovative, sustainable concepts and designs have since spread out to the rest of the city and beyond.
James Spooner
James Spooner is an American tattoo artist from New York, living in Los Angeles where he is the owner and operator of Monocle Tattoo. His weekly comic "Spooners No Fun" is followed by thousands and he is currently working on two full-length graphic novels. He is best known for his seminal documentary film Afro-Punk (2003), exploring the African American experience in the punk and alternative music scene. After its release, he curated the Liberation Sessions concert series which promoted black artistry via music and film, and then subsequently co-founded the annual Afropunk Festival in Brooklyn, working with it from 2005 through 2008.
Media Contact
Michelle Mitchell PR (516) 387-2227 108 West 128th Street