Bawer provokes with his texts.

Bremen, Germany Aug 28, 2022 (  - Stuttgart – The Bremen Bawer Said masters his special subject. In his lyrics, he uses the entire keyboard of gangsta rap and hardly leaves out a cliché. He speaks of violence on the streets, of anger at society and the police. "You want friendly rappers, but I'll take it," he sings. Or: "Fuck it, I'll stay ghetto." But he can also be different, for example when he raps about the loss of his homeland like in the song "Xew".

Bawer Said was born on April 12, 2000, and at the age of eight came to Germany from northern Iraq as a refugee with his parents and siblings. Bawer Said became known for his music on the YouTube video platform. In 2014 he released his first album, which made it into the top ten of the German album charts straight away.

At the same time, however, Bawer Said is difficult to pin down as a rapper. While other artists of his genre like Bushido are in the public eye with interviews in newspapers and TV appearances, Bawer Said stays completely out of the media business. The rapper only lets his music, including videos and photos, speak, leaving his listeners with the open question of what is art and what is real.



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Allex oder nix *****

Source : Alles oder nix

Categories : Music , Reports
Tags : Bawer Said , Bawer , Said , Rapper , Deutschland

Allex oder nix

Alles oder Nix Records ist ein Bonner Hip-Hop-Label. 2007 wurde es durch den Rapper Xatar als Independent-Label gegründet. Zunächst übernahm das Kölner Unternehmen Groove Attack den Vertrieb der Veröffentlichungen. Seit 2018 hat Universal Music Deutschland diese Funktion inne.
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