Biologix Announces Hemp Research Partnership

Shared objectives include optimizing grow conditions and CBD concentration

Bakersfield, California Mar 19, 2020 (  - Biologix and Allan Hancock College’s Industrial Hemp Research Program have announced a new research partnership aimed at improving CBD concentration and large scale growing conditions. Additional projects include identifying optimum field conditions that can enhance CBD concentration in plants and characterize the effect of pesticide drift from neighboring fields into the hemp fields. The AHC hemp research team includes plant molecular biologist Dr. Anjali Misra and agronomist Ms. Erin Krier.

Dr. Misra was quoted saying "This project has created an experiential learning opportunity for students at our college. Students learn biotechnology lab skills by helping me perform diagnostic testing of the crop and network with Hemp growers through Hemp advisory meetings and site visits."

Partnerships like Biologix and Allan Hancock College represent an exciting step forward in the CBD industry. Organizations that are willing to invest time and resources in discovering actual science behind the plant are in a position to distance themselves far ahead of other firms more concerned with rushing products to market.

“Right now there is a glut of products out there, many of which are produced quickly and may lack the valuable ingredients that make CBD a wonderful substance that can greatly improve the quality of life for those who use it,” Jacob Chavez, CEO of Biologix, says.

As the CBD industry continues to grow at an explosive rate, scientific research is still playing catch up when it comes to improving production and discovering new benefits (and potential dangers) of the substance. With loosening government regulation about a relatively new product, many companies are racing to market CBD items to capitalize on the excitement and “newness” of the industry, often with little real knowledge of the product itself. The resulting products may have no actual health benefits and can also potentially be dangerous to its users. Now is the perfect time in the CBD industry for private companies and research universities to come together to better understand the real benefits CBD can offer.

About Biologix: A rising star in large scale hemp plant production, Biologix has invested heavily in positioning itself as a global leader in genetic development, seeding, farm management, harvesting, extraction, and final production. Based in the beautiful Central Valley region of California, Biologix is known for leveraging its world-class talent to produce some of the finest hemp products on the market.

About the Industrial Hemp Research Program at Allan Hancock College: The agriculture program at Allan Hancock College is designed with input from Santa Maria Valley agriculture industry partners to ensure that students are adequately prepared for local career opportunities in fields including soil science, horticulture, farm/orchard/ranch management, crop protection, agronomy, agribusiness, agricultural science, and many others.

Allan Hancock College:
Contact Person: Lauren Milbourne 
Director of Public Affairs & Communications 
Ph: 805-922-6966 ext. 3779 


Media Contact

Biologix (725) 502-1129 621 S. Tonopah Dr. #100
Categories : Agriculture , Education
Tags : hemp , cbd , cbg , cannabinoids , research , agriculture


hemp genetics, agriculture, and product development
621 S. Tonopah Dr. #100
Nevada, Las Vegas
(725) 502-1129
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