Black Twitter Is Alive And Well

" This Is Not Fake News "

San Francisco, California Dec 5, 2022 (  - The Black Twitter Community Has Begun Creating What We Call " The New Black America " - Counter Culture 

The definition of a counterculture : A counterculture (also written counter-culture) is a subculture whose values and norms of behavior and thought differ substantially from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores.

We believe, " When oppositional forces reach critical mass, countercultures 
can trigger dramatic cultural changes..

or if nothing else, counter cultural movements splits society into two segments by creating the " this or that effect " by giving us the choice of joining into an alternate reality.

So with that in mind, " we have created a blueprint for a new and improved black america by dissecting and correcting the social and cultural ills of the old model "

And with the use of retweets, likes and comments Twitter users will assist us in introducing this alternative to the masses.

You can find us @TweetsAreBlack to find out more about our project.



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Categories : Entertainment , Internet , Society , Technology
Tags : elon musk , Black Twitter , Trending Hashtags , Trending News


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