10 Exciting Weekend Activities to Distress and Recharge Yourself

25th June, 2022

Weekend Activities

For modern working people, the weekend is like the light at the end of the tunnel. People look for the weekends after long hours of work throughout the entire week. People plan various things to make their weekends special but when it actually arrives, most fail to execute them due to stress. Here are some fun and easy activities that you can do on the weekends to keep the stress away:

1. Start a journal

Writing is a technique that has been used for centuries to relieve stress. Start a journal and write down your feelings, your experiences, and the incidents happening in your life on the weekends and let go of all the stress that you are carrying on your shoulder. It is also a great way to get rid of all the negative thoughts and pent-up aggression that you acquire from the office and home throughout the week. Psychologists also agree on the fact that keeping a journal impacts our minds in a positive way.

2. Wake up early

Your morning routine affects how your mood will be throughout the day. If you wake up in a bad mood it will ruin the rest of the day for you. If you wake up late, you will have no time to invest in yourself. You will have to hurry to get ready and eat before you can go to work. But if you wake up early, at least an hour before your regular waking time, you can do the things you like during that time. You can do meditation, yoga, some light exercise, and more to lighten up your mood.

3. Go for a morning walk

Going for a walk early in the morning not only benefits you physically but mentally as well. A morning stroll right after you wake up helps you stay fit and refreshes your mind at the same time. During the week, most people come home from work late and go to bed late as well. That is why they find it hard to wake up early. But on the weekends, they don’t have to go to work, so they can wake up early and go for a morning walk easily.

4. Read a good book

Reading books is an amazing habit that strengthens your mind and helps you improve your concentration. Many people buy a lot of books but their busy work life prevents them from investing time in a book. But on the weekends you have all the time to yourself. There is nothing more relaxing than sipping on a cup of a beverage of your choice and reading a good book on the weekend. It helps you escape from the stress of daily life and elevate your mood. 

5. Have fun with your friends and family

You stay busy all throughout the week and barely have time to spend some fun time outside of work. During the weekends, go out with your friends or family and append some quality time. You can go to a movie, restaurant, or even a short trip during that time. If you do not want to go outside, you can have good times at your home by doing some fun activities with your loved ones. You can invite your friends to join as well.

6. Finish your pending works

There are so many things you need to take care of to maintain a balance in your life. Most people cannot invest time to do these works during their workdays. The pending tasks are enough to give you stress. You should take care of these things over the weekends so you don’t have to worry about them during the week. Set a reminder to finish the pending tasks in case you forget to do them.

7. Try some sports

People love watching sports and they spend a lot of time watching them on TV. Try to play some sports in real life sometimes instead of watching them on TV the whole weekend. Playing football, basketball, baseball, or others leads to vigorous physical activity, which helps you stay fit. Playing your favorite sports promotes dopamine secretion in your brain, which reduces stress. Invite your friends to play as well to make it more entertaining and effective.

8. Spend time outdoors

Modern life is mostly sedentary as most people spend their entire working hours sitting on a chair. They barely do some physical activity or go outside their office or home. Going outdoor and experiencing nature can help you distress fast. You can take a walk in the nearby park or cover the path on a bike. You can also go camping alone or with your friends to reconnect with nature and explore new places. Spending time outdoors will clear your mind and help you think of fresh new ideas.

9. Reward yourself

You work hard throughout the week, and on the weekends you should reward yourself. That way you will have something to look forward to for the weekends. You can go shopping and buy the things you have always wanted to buy or eat at your favorite restaurant with your loved ones over the weekend. You should also pamper yourself with self-care to distress. A pampering day at the spa can help you wash away all your anxieties and worries. If you do not want to spend that much, you can always do some beauty treatments at home as well. It will make you feel good and confident.

10. Make healthy meals

During the workdays, people cannot spare much time for cooking. Most of the time, they eat junk food or order online. It is extremely unhealthy for the body. During the weekends you should take your time and prepare healthy and tasty meals of your choice that will rejuvenate your taste buds and mind. You can also make healthy food for the rest of the week, so you don’t have to eat takeaway during the workdays.

How you spend your weekend determines how the next week will go. If you are able to relieve your stress over the weekends your work-life balance will be perfect as well.

Tags: Weekend Activities