5 Effective Distribution Tips for SEO Press Releases

24th July, 2024

SEO Press Release

There is no way of denying the fact that a press release is one of the most important business elements that boost growth and popularity. However, due to misuse and online spamming on the internet, many individuals fail to harness its full potential as they don’t follow an effective strategy for distribution. Other than just creating an attractive SEO press release, users also must know how to distribute it effectively which helps to garner more attention from the target audiences. Those who are wondering how to improve their distribution tactics can find some effective tips below.

In the Case of Distribution Agencies 

When it comes to press release distribution, professional agencies are the best choices as they are well-experienced and equipped with the workforce and advanced a tool that makes distribution more effective for all. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Opting for the Right Agency

It is highly important to opt for the right agency as the market is full of them. While every distribution agency offers the same service only, they have certain distribution channels in their media network which makes them effective. The agencies can also cater to a certain industry if they have more media channels and distribution channels allocated for it. Therefore, you are required to look for a relevant distribution agency that caters to your unique needs and to reach out to more audiences. Make sure to check out their distribution network before you hire them and look for previous clients from your industry for feedback. The right strategy can help you improve your distribution strategy and results.

2. Check the Service Features

Before purchasing a package, it is highly important to check the features in order to understand whether you will benefit from it or not. Check out whether there are additional services for SEO optimization, real-time reports with analytics, guaranteed placements, mobile distribution, social media buzz, etc to name some. Sometimes, agencies can offer special distribution benefits based on their distribution. There can be also financial distribution, sports distribution, and other as well based on the guaranteed placements on different distribution platforms. Based on the features you can also have a better idea of how much you should be paying.

3. Check the Pricing System

The primary reason for hiring a professional agency is that you want an expert to handle it that ensures more efficiency and better results. Before you buy a distribution package, make sure to check the price details and check whether it matches your PR budget and requirements. Sometimes, professional agencies can also offer special offers for a certain industry or bulk orders. Strategize your PR distribution in a way that allows the utilization of maximum benefits within a reasonable budget, making it cost-effective and budget-friendly. Make sure to compare price points among different agencies to get the most suitable one. When you find a suitable agency; it is better to create a long-term relation with your distribution form instead of multiple places as you can have long-term benefits as clients.

In the case of the Personal Approach through Journalists

Those who are unable to purchase a professional distribution package can also utilize its benefits with personal approaches to the journalists and reporters. In this case, you need to pitch your press release to them through a pitching email. Once get picked by the journalists and reporters, your PR content gets distributed further. Here are some tips to remember.

4. Short-list Journalists

Firstly, you need to find the journalists and reporters who work in your niche industry. Check the news they have covered and their experience in your industry to roughly assume their expertise in the field. With complete research, you might find a lot of journalists working in the field. Based on their expertise, you can short-list them with priority. Focus on the quality and not quality as credible sources play a vital role. Make sure to collect the media contacts and other details of the journalists so that you can contact them or follow up whenever you need to.

5. Pitch them Professionally

The pitching email for press distribution is perhaps a personal approach but for professional reasons therefore, you need to pitch professionally and business tone. In the pitch email, make sure to explain why you the journalist cover your PR story while showing respect and professionalism. Remember, the journalists receive a lot of pitch emails every day and they are quite busy. Therefore, your email needs to stand out in this case. Keep it brief with an attractive subject line which increases the open rate and chance of getting picked by the professionals.

Bottom Line

SEO-optimized press release works actively and offer fruitful results only when it distributed in the right way. Follow the aforementioned tips and get help from professionals to ensure more success.

Tags: SEO Press Release, Press Release Submission Sites, SEO Press Release Free, Press Release Websites, Press Release Distribution Services