5 Most Effective Places Where You Can Use Keywords in Your PR

31st October, 2023

Put Keywords in Your Press Release Writing

Press releases are official announcements made by brands to share some newsworthy information with the media. Press releases or PRs usually contain announcements of any product or service or news about any upcoming event. They are directly sent to the media outlets to get positive media attention and coverage that instantly increases the brand value and recognition in the market.

However, getting the PR content noticed online or by any journalist is not an easy thing. For that, the writers must craft the content in a professional way that is easy to read and strategic. Most importantly, the content must include effective and trending keywords that will help the search engines optimize it and put it at the top of the search results. These keywords are tricky, they need to be related to the content, and trendy and must be placed at the right place. So here are those 5 most effective places of the PR content where you can place keywords.

What are Press Releases and Why are They Important?

PRs are written statements that brands and businesses provide to the media. The press releases usually contain an announcement of any and every kind, but it must be newsworthy. These are shared with the media to gain coverage about any upcoming event, recent product or service launch, or any changes in the operations or management.

PRs are one of the most important weapons that are used in the marketing and advertising campaigns of recent times. They are extremely affordable and save a ton on advertising while gaining traffic for the website. This leads to increased brand awareness, visibility, and reach among the general public. At the same time, press releases are also used to build and maintain a strong relationship with the media along with increasing brand credibility.

The 5 Places Where You Can Put the Keywords for an Effective Result:

1) Headline

The headline of a press release is one of the most important things that readers first notice. If the headline is written correctly, the reader will decide to give the entire content a chance. Now putting the keyword on the headline is one of the smartest decisions any brand can make. The first sentence of the Google Search Engine Result Listing is limited to 55 characters and is usually pulled out from the headline. This is the listing that will compel the readers to go through the content, bringing you web traffic. So, keep the headline short as it will help you prioritize the relevant keywords which in return will maximize the content's visibility and the brand's reach on the internet. But make sure you are not using any filler words in the headline and conveying what the PR is about through it.

2) Subheadline

Another effective place where you can place the keyword is the sub-headline. These are the more extended and describing part of the headline of the PR content where it is a bit easier to place keywords. However, this does not mean you get to stuff your keywords in this one section. Always take help from the keyword search tools to find the relevant keyword that goes with the rest of the content body.

3) Introduction of the Content Body

Every written piece of content has an introduction which creates a plot for the main theatrics. To explain what the press releases are about, the content must start with an introduction which is typically the first 100 words of the whole body. Placing a keyword in those first 100 words is one of the easiest ways to rank the entire PR content. But make sure there are not any reparations as it will make it less readable. Just like the headline goes into the Google Search Engine Result Listing, the first two lines of the body are also added as a description so try to use the keywords in those first two lines.

4) Links for Anchor Text

The anchor text link is usually a clickable text link that appears to be in a different font and color than the original content. These links are hyperlinked with other pages and if your PR content is trying to target a web page, then the primary keyword must go in that. It also increases the probability of your page being linked when another page is using your content.

5) Metatext of the Image 

Lastly, the image metatext is another part of the press release where you can place the keyword. As images are far more effective than written content in making the announcement more clickable, placing keywords in those metatext increases the chances of your content being discovered by Google images. But make sure you are not just adding the picture and its metatext for the sake of it.

If you are unsure of finding the relevant keywords and placing them in your content body, get help from the PR experts at: https://www.issuewire.com/writing.

Tags: Put Keywords in Your Press Release Writing, Places to Put Keywords in Your Press Release Writing