5 Press Release Writing Problems Should be Avoided

29th November, 2023

Press Release Writing Problems Should be Avoided

If you think that a formal tone and writing in a third party is boring, then you are wrong. To write a press release you need more clarity than any other sort of content. Whether you are writing a short PR or a lengthy PR, it has to be widely fascinating to write an elaborative piece without being much flowery or descriptive. It takes an artist to write a press release to engage maximum customers. Here are some mistakes that might be demeaning the charm of the write-up of your press release.

1. Overusing of Quotations

It is good to add Quotations in a press release; it offers more authenticity and more gravity to the write-up. However, overusing it can be harmful to your press release. It takes away the zest of a PR and makes it extremely mundane. People first have to know about your newsworthy story after that they can indulge in a relevant Quotation. This is a common mistake in press release writing, and one should avoid it to keep their press release more engaged with their target audience.

If you are planning to add some Quotations in your PR make sure that you use your first and most of your second paragraph describing the story then you can add Quotations. It should come just before the part where you give a brief insight into your company and services this is where you can (if you want) add a Quotation.

2. Lengthy PR

Do not make a lengthy press release; an ideal press release should be between 300 to 500 words. Making a PR longer than that will lose the luster of the writing.

3. Your PR is Boring

The Internet is full of entertainment, and even if you are releasing something that has no relation to the entertainment industry, then also you must try to write your press release entertainingly. Press releases are a great way to entice more people to your business, and these potential customers will be charmed by words of conviction written fascinatingly. So, here are some tips on how you can make your press release more captivating for your target audience:

  • Use numbers and statistics
  • Explain these numbers and statistics based on the terms of your company
  • Use interesting facts
  • Add pictures and embed videos
  • Share an angle that interests your customers

These are some of the most useful ways to bring limitless exposure to your press releases. Yes, the distribution is also responsible for the success of your press release but, a well-written press release will not keep you waiting for long, it will give results within days after the distribution.

4. Wrong Time of Release

Along with the topic, the press release distribution timing is equally responsible for the success of your PR. The basic idea of the press release is to bring a newsworthy story to the notice of others o that they can create bigger news out of it. But the foundation of this process stands on the word ‘relevant’ and timely.

To issue the news about a new launch you must distribute the press release 7 to 10 days prior to the actual day of the launch. It is about an event then too you need to follow this 7 to 10 days gap. If it is an award-related press release then you should distribute the press release within 24 hours of the ceremony. The news should be relevant and it must keep neither a month gap nor a two-day gap between the PR release dates at the actual event day.

5. Vague Messaging

The message you choose to convey should have a clear messaging style, the messaging should be clear and must have a good gripping writing quality. Use simple sentences while you write a press release. Starting from the title to the opening line to the body, everything should be giving the message loud and clear, no Easter eggs or riddles to be solved, this will allow your readers to understand what you are going to say for your business and your upcoming events.

Press releases are a great way to publicize your news, and you should positively use this opportunity to get better results for your business and your upcoming events. So, choose enticing words, and avoid these mistakes, positively.

Tags: Press Release Writing Problems Should be Avoided, Press Release Writing, Write a Press Release