7 Creative Strategies to Increase Your App Download Rate

19th February, 2024

How to Increase App Downloads?

It is an era of apps with over 2.87 million apps on Google Play and 1.96 million apps on the Apple Store. In this highly competitive business landscape where every other industry is creating apps to reach more customers; increasing the rate of download of your app could be a little tricky. However, you can easily overcome it by following some simple effective strategies. Let’s take a better look at them:

1. Utilize Popups

While popups can be really annoying sometimes, they can be also helpful for the users when they pop at the right time and the right place. Utilizing popups effectively can help to increase the download rate of your app by up to 40%. Defines your target audiences with the right demographic to gain fruitful results.

2. Use an Attention-Grabbing App Icon

Visual impression plays a big role online and studies show that having an attractive app icon can be a driving factor for more downloads. Your app icon is supposed to convey your brand identity with a close representation of what the app does or its purpose. The design for the app icon must be creative, minimal, and striking enough to stand out among all the other apps.

3. Ask for Ratings and Reviews

When an online user wants to download an app, the first thing they check is the ratings and reviews in order to know the response of other users. It is called social proof which generates more authenticity and brand awareness for your application. That is why, you must ask the users to add reviews and ratings based on their usage. Instead of fabricating anything, make an honest approach, and will soon witness positive results along with a boost in downloads.

4. Provide Clear Description and Engaging Photos and Videos

The basic elements like app description, images or screenshots along with videos are the things that help users understand more about an app and its interface. The description is the part where you can sell your app and you should utilize this section well to clarify the usage of your app and how it can empower the users. Make sure to add high-quality photos and video clips that educate users more about the app. This can pique their interest and make them proceed with the download for further interaction.

5. Build an Online Presence

Do not just stop after developing the application but also build a website or create a blog site to offer more information relevant to the app and the industry. Most applications have a demo web version offered on the official website which turns the interested visitors into potential clients and makes them use the app. Make sure to add more educational content on the website and blogsites that allow users to find out more about the app and how it works in the industry. You can also utilize email marketing and newsletters for this purpose.

6. Leverage Social Media

Every app must have a page or profile on the social media platforms as they are potential sources of finding relevant target audiences who would be interested in using the application. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc can offer you more app downloads along with a huge number of followers.

7. Focus on Local Languages

In order to reach global online users and make them use your application, you must also localize it in multiple regional languages which significantly increases its download rate. Many non-English speakers would like to use your app as well and so, you must give them that comfort with creating any lingual barrier.

Final Thoughts

No matter how well your app is built, it is nearly impossible to get ample downloads without promoting your application actively. Put some effort into putting the news out in the world and you will find more interested users for your app.

Tags: How to Increase App Downloads, How to Increase App Downloads Organically