8 Secrets to Cut Down Your Anxiety amidst the Global Pandemic COVID-19

7th July, 2021

Global Pandemic

In the modern digital era, most people are likely to spend their time on the internet and social media for any length of time. Intricate researches on modern human lifestyle and behavior show the ill effects of social media, fake news and how it is triggering anxiety among people. People who are always on the news or media, chronic TV watchers, and trendy followers on newsfeed have more chances of developing severe issues of stress and anxiety while going through quarantine. Corona virus has showed the world how only sanitization and vaccination cannot fight a pandemic but it also requires keeping good mental health.

Exaggerated news, forwarded texts, daily affected count, death count, falling economy, vaccine, work from home, and everything together could be too much to take in. All this information of the current situation can lead to palpitation, stress, and then eventually chronic anxiety. Ill mental health is spreading faster than COVID and more than 300 million people are suffering from anxiety around the world. The seed of anxiety is taking bigger shape with the Global pandemic and there is a desperate need for escape or guidance to keep the mind healthy. 

Psychology of Uncertainty

Physical health and mental health is deeply intertwined and the body ends up putting the burden on mind. While people observe, process, and analyze reality; certainty makes it feel safe. Anything that is unaware or uncertain to the brain can be a cause of fear and stress. It is human nature to fear the unknown but also getting curious about it is a part of it. With curiosity, people try to dig up more information and eventually end up exhausting themselves. Either way, the psychology of uncertainty is capable of making everyone afraid. The key is to keep calm and stay level-headed. A sensible person is more likely to have less stress and anxiety than others.

Here are some tips to work on that can drastically reduce anxiety issues with proper practice:

• Channelize your energy – The stressful events of life and the pandemic often generate anxious energy. It makes humans think of the worst the case scenario and negative results. It is not possible to stop anxiety immediately if you wish and that’s people find it difficult to cope up with this issue. However, concentrating on channelizing that energy into something better can help you to feel good. Figure out the things that make you anxious and try to avoid them accordingly. Concentrate on the facts and skip the fake news as well.

• Avoid misinformation – Media can be unhelpful sometimes with its repetitive news on COVID-19 and emphasizing death rates. Even friends and close people can lead to misinformation that is not even true yet capable of worsening your mental health. So, it would be wise to avoid or limit yourself to a few specific media, news platforms and people as well. Scrolling down through a news feed cannot help in fighting the disease. However, reducing digital timing can help to get more sleep by quelling the panic.

• Don’t depend on Dr. Google – Whenever a problem or curiosity appears, everybody googles it. However, not all of the search results are valid. There might be thousands of remedies to a single problem and that does not mean every remedy will work on you. Don’t just blindly follow the internet and take unnecessary pills which are not suitable for a cure instead can affect your health. Always contact the physician before taking action. Numerous options make the brain tired and stressed, where doctors can prescribe exactly what one needs.

• Be aware of your thoughts – Every day multiple thoughts arrive in mind and some thoughts even provoke other thoughts. While drowning in this constant thought process, you should be aware of what are you thinking. There is a difference between thinking and worrying. The moment you find yourself worrying even a bit, try to take a step back and relax. Let those thoughts pass by without thinking too hard.

• Take care of body along with mind – As mentioned before, the body and the mind are intertwined and when one gets sick it affects the other one. Likewise, suffering much from anxiety can deteriorate physical health and lead to panic attacks, insomnia, appetite loss, weight loss and many others. To avoid severe consequences, start taking care of your body. Get enough sleep and eat well, preferably healthy food and fruits which can boost happy hormones. Regular exercise and meditation will help you gain increasing oxygen level, better blood circulation, mental calmness, and most importantly a better immune system.

• Stay Connected – While storing up the burden and stress, it is important to stay connected with others and share your thoughts. You need people who are supportive which will make you feel less lonely and isolated. But it does not happen from one side only, so try to connect with others while they are doing the same. Even if you help someone in crisis; it gives a pleasure of compassion. Kindness is one of the major healing processes that help both, the giver and taker as well. Remember, everyone is going through a crisis and empathy is the key.

• Take a moment of a deep breath – Parenting your own self is not an easy task and many conflicts of action can appear. Instead of over-thinking, take a pause. When everything gets too overwhelming, people tend to escape which is not a permanent remedy. Give up all your thoughts for a moment and take a deep breath. It helps to calm down anxiety and allows re-analyzing later.

• Professional help – Aforementioned tips are handy, practicable, and helpful for everyone. But these tips do not cure anxiety if it gets to the chronic stage. If you find these tips not effective enough, you can always seek professional assistance. It is okay to seek help when needed and psychological therapies work like a miracle. Never be worried before consulting a therapist.

Always remember, the anxiety is temporary and so is the Global Pandemic. It will be over soon and keeping a positive hope can enhance the process.

Tags: Mental Health, Anxiety, Psychology, Global Pandemic, COVID-19