A Guide on How to Calculate Press Release ROI

21st April, 2020

Press Release ROI step by step

When you are spending money on marketing your brand’s name, you make sure the outcome is noteworthy. Similarly, you want to know how much your money is worth with your newsworthy press releases. There comes the need of calculating the ROI or the Return on Investment. There are many ways with which we can calculate the PR ROI but it all starts with a deep-seated question, the is the center of the whole observation; that is, what do you have in your mind to accomplish with the issued press release? It is the goal behind it which will determine its results after you issue the press release, be it a paid press release distribution services or the free services.


What is a Press Release ? Issuewire


1. Know What is a Press Release:

To understand the graph of the success of the press release, you must obtain a clear concept of what a press release is. Unless you justly write a press release which fits its core attributes, no matter how much you pay for the services, you cannot expect your so-called press release will be picked up by bustling journalists.

Press release is basically an official statement that is issued by a company to aware the journalists about the latest happenings related to their business. It is mainly used as a public relations tool to announce any immediate updates or notice to reach out to the mass internet users if gets picked up by any journalist to give it a place in the media. The information that you are going to publish through PR should be newsworthy as well as authentic. It will help them to pass it on to their readers by writing an article about it.


Ironclad Rules for Issuing Press Releases - Issuewire


2. When You Should Go for a Press Release?

Now that you have a clear idea of how a press release works, its time to know when you should use your weapon of marketing. You should issue a PR whenever you are dealing with something new in your company. You should always go for news release to let the world know about the changes, important announcement to keep your brand’s name on everyone’s lips. A press release can be issued if you have the following up comings:

  ·  New arrival of a product, its details, launch date etc.

 · If your company is throwing a ‘thank you’ party or hosting a live event to catch the attention of potential consumers.

  ·  Any advancement.

  ·  For issuing a quarterly financial report in case you into trading.

  · Restructuring your employee plans.

  · Announcing recent achievements.


Want to Achieve with Press Release (Update)


3. Think What You Really Want to Achieve with the Newsworthy Press Release:

Every press release has a specific reason to be written about. You should have a clear idea of what you are looking for through your press release and help your audience with clarity. Write the press release in light of your present concerns like- engaging more attention for the extension of your brand, increase your subscribers, hike up your sales or inform the audience about the launch of a new product.

If you have the eyes fixed on something, it will be easier to guide your audience in the right track, achieving your target without much hassle.


How PR Boost Brand Awareness


4. Brand Visibility:

Brand reach is a difficult job to be done. Though, the role of social media is huge in this segment. If any media picks up your news or you manage to get social media referral, that can be considered useful for having brand reach. The number of pickups provided is quite dubious and the sites may claim to have readers more than they actually have.

But press release seems to be an effective marketing strategy as well. To make your brand popular it should make be able to create a buzz because nobody will bother to do business with you if they do not know that brand exists.


How to Write High-Quality Press Release Content


5. Make a Quality Content that They Cannot Afford to Overlook:

If you provide a genuine information with noteworthy highlights, media personnel will be bound to look forward to your press release due to its supremacy. It will be easier to calculate the ROI if you have proper story to feature in your press release that will surely grab those eyeballs on the other side. It will be worth every penny you have invested in the press release distribution services if you give proper time to build an informative press release and then decide to promote it on several sites with hefty numbers. Also, issuing press release won’t burn a hole in the pocket like the means of marketing tools require. It is the most cost-effective method of doing business.

The calculation of ROI gets difficult because media pickups cannot be strategically calculated beforehand due to the type of the information or the duration of tracking your press release that can vary from one week up to a month.


The Deal with Subscribers


6. The Deal with Subscribers:

Another key to calculate the return on investment for the press release is to measure the number of subscribers. It is easy to track the number of subscribers from the press release distribution service reports with a single click. You will be notified with an e-mail if any new subscriber joins you. the target is to get as many names as you can to add on your email marketing list, that will be a smooth way to make a strong relationship with potential clients.  You can present interesting schemes or special offers that they can’t say no to.  This won’t be a direct income but you can earn certain amount of profit on every new subscriber that can add to your ROI for the cost of the press release.


How to Calculate Net Sales


7. Calculating Sales:

The hardest target to accomplish with a press release is to make profit from the sales. It might seem difficult but not impossible. Find how many sales you have got from the specific marketing and calculate the cost of the press release distribution services you have taken up to calculate ROI.

The first step to measure return on a press release is having a clear aim and determining the factors to reach that goal.

Tags: Press Release ROI step by step, Measure Press Release ROI, Improve Press Release ROI, Boost and Measure PR ROI