A Press Release is the Ultimate Solution to Endorse Your Early Funding Round Building Engagement

10th June, 2020

Press Release is the Ultimate Solution

For startups to survive through the multiple investment rounds to emerge as a successful business model, one of the most significant factors is to get appropriate media coverage. This gives you the greatest opportunity to introduce your business to a wide range of investors and on a larger scale.

After you have successfully closed the pre-seed funding which is the phase when the idea of the product or the service starts building, you need to look for angel investors to fund your startup to cover the costs of day-to-day activities, before the company becomes operational. At this early stage of development, the funding is relatively low due to the limited track record of the company and higher financial risks.

This is followed by the round A, where the company needs to pitch the concept of their startup to the wider range of investors expecting a large amount of funding to establish a steady business model and generate immediate profit. This round can get very tricky without a proper strategy that can deprive the business owners of long-term growth. The one-stop solution for this dilemma is to create a buzz about initial funding round with the help of engaging press coverage. Here is how you can pull off a thriving press release with ease:


Draft The Press Release

When you approach the journalist for the media coverage on your funding rounds, make sure to provide them with hard data on every little relevant detail about founding rounds and the investors. Let them know the details about the work that the company does and the developments that are going on in every round since the beginning. Direct quotes from the investors or the company spokesperson and the CEO have an immense impact on validating the hard data.

Make sure your narrative is extremely informative and direct on the topic which will provide the audience a compact idea about what your startup is all about and how it differs from or better than its contemporaries. Add studies and news reports on the subject that will help not only the investors but also the general public to understand your perspective in a clear and positive light. Keep them interested and newsworthy by releasing one short announcement after another. Learn from the existing similar successful businesses on how they deal with their press releases. Take the assistance of various digital tools like images and videos; craft a unique headline that can make your story stand out in the crowd.


Be Patient

To engage the attention of the desired audience, first chose the media coverage outlet carefully. Do not rush with the delicate matter of promoting your press release which will encourage the investors, explaining why your company is a good investment. Give the journalists enough time to come up with flawless content that will enlist the benefits of the products or the services that your company provides. Cooperate with them in every turn and provide them with apt information about your investment rounds. Keep in touch and communicate with them regularly for better results.


Create A Buzz on Social Media

The best way to boost your press release is to grasp the opportunity that social media offers gaining maximum output. As people spend most of their time on various social media platforms, it has become an integral part of engaging the attention of potential investors through different pages and channels. Generate maximum awareness about your business to your internal employees, partners, investors, and customers, providing them with links to your funding round announcements. These platforms avail you to reach your desired audience directly establishing good communication with the investors and providing them with any information that they need directly. These extraordinary mediums help you to frame and amplify your news promoting your funding rounds to the greater audience. The investors can also contribute by providing quotes and links to their own blog that can complement your press release showcasing viable points.


Get Professional Help

Coming up with an effective press release can be time-consuming for startup owners who need to focus more on the technical and financial aspects of their business. Hiring professionals to do their bidding when it comes to constructing a viable press release can make a huge difference in the industry. These agencies can cook up the perfect and personalized press releases with their experienced and expert teams with an effective strategy according to your business model. You can find a cost-efficient agency and avail their service to produce a straightforward content and see the improvement in your funding in no time.

Tags: Press Release is the Ultimate Solution, Ultimate Press Release Guide