An Extrovert Photographer’s Guide to Staying Busy while Social Distancing

9th April, 2020

Guide to Staying Busy while Social Distancing

It is a matter of compromise and realization while adjusting to the new quarantined lifestyle. However, these factors differ from person to person and one must do those that keep them happy. Especially for photographers, who spend their days outside of the home for work and research might find it hard to stay indoors for days on end. The result is killing hours by sitting idle or consuming volumes of digital content or eating like it is no body’s business. None of these practices can be continued for long and if you too want to break the cycle of ‘I am bored beyond my means’, then read on for tips to enjoy wholesome activities within the serenity of your home.



1.   Wash your hands, of course

Before getting down to business, let us all wash hands and wash possible virus stains down the drain.



2.    Housekeeping and Work

Maintaining a house is not a matter of joke. After you are done with your basic chores of washing, cleaning, and cooking, put together all your business backlogs like meetings, emails, contracts, payments, etc. Just make a table of your pending work log and get them done now that you have all the time in the world.



3.      Put your Plans to Action

·        Learn Something

We all have procrastinated throughout our lives but now it is time to kick the laziness. Learn things related to photography online, like a course or a new technique of camera angles. Knowledge is endless and you might as well hone up your skills as a photographer during this time.

·        Upgrade your Website

If your website did not get much of your time, now is the best patch to update your website or portfolio so that work can kick off right after things get back to normal.

·        Learn a thing or two about marketing

As a photographer, try to learn the tips and tricks of digital marketing and content management so you can expand your career prospects with more knowledge and wisdom.

·        Clean

Get up from the bed and clean your camera gears and equipment.



4.    Enrich your Connections

Go online or call up known faces and integrate your business contacts across communities. You never know, a big project can just be lurking around your door.




5.    Family Time

If you live with your family make sure to spend enough time with them. If you live on your own, your loved ones are just a dial away.



6.   Click, Click, Click

Do not let your creativity reach a block. Brainstorm ideas, get inspired, take pictures of your family and roommates, and also take selfies. Keeping your camera going will only inspire you to get ready for work after the terrible times are over.

Do whatever suits your mood. Stay home and make the best of your time.

Tags: Staying Busy while Social Distancing, Social Distancing