Are Soft Skills Important in this Age of Automation? Let’s Find Out

15th May, 2024

What is the Role of Soft Skill in our Life?

There is no doubt that this is an age of automation with the continuous development of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). As a result, employees of different industries are also required to possess certain skills and ample knowledge to proceed along with the constantly evolving technologies. While many of the employees think that automation and AI can replace them, it is not possible. In order to operate and use AI efficiently, employees must acquire some soft skills that are more important than ever. Let’s take a better look at the top 5 essential soft skills that are mandatory in this age of automation.

1. Good Communication Skills

The working professionals use a variety of software and AI-powered applications to help with their work for various industries. Usually, machines are great in streamlining operations and analyzing data however, they are unable to understand the context behind it. In order to make seamless collaborations, communication skills are highly important. It helps to share ideas and concepts with others in a way that is understandable and applicable. One can also change their style of communication based on the other person’s emotions. Regardless of the medium or the technology, you must have a good communication skill that helps to convey yourself and contribute to business development.

2. Flexibility and Adaptability

Technology advancement has put different industries in a constant flux of change. With automation and other advantages, a massive change has come to business operations which is perhaps not easy for everyone. In order to quickly understand and learn these modern technologies; one must be adaptive enough to proceed with the modern digital age. Being flexible allows juggling through multiple tasks and navigating efficiently to reach goals. Being adaptive allows utilizing different technologies and improves daily work routine with more efficiency.

3. Ability of Critical Thinking

While machines and software can reduce the rate of mistakes significantly and offer fruitful results, even they can also make errors. However, they are programmed for certain processes, and any difficult and unplanned decision to bring failure. Employees who possess strong critical thinking skills are more likely to handle unexpected situations. Their presence of mind of ability to solve complex problems can help deal with tricky situations and that is not possible with only an AI or automated process. Critical thinking helps to understand the context behind data and requirement necessary steps.

4. Emotional Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence can greatly improve efficiency but it is devoid of emotions and not sentient. Therefore, they can never have the emotional intelligence that humans have. There are many soft skills like empathy, active listening, effective communication, leadership attitude, and many others that help give your best performance. Emotional Intelligence also helps to keep a stronger bond with colleagues and other people at work. No AI or software can understand human emotions and therefore, it is irrelevant to offer a programmed chatbot that communicates with understanding humans well.

5. Creativity and Individuality 

Machines are good at analyzing data and identifying patterns. However, what they are unable to add is machines are not creative, and innovation only takes time and study. Creativity can be replicated and restored. The creative psyche among humans helps them to navigate through the digital landscape. For example, there are generative AIs that are capable of creating images.

Bottom Line

No matter how much technological advancement takes place, nothing can replace humans and their presence of mind. AI-powered Automation software is evidently the need of the hour.

Tags: What is the Role of Soft Skill in our Life, What is the Main Point of Soft Skills