Benefits of Press Release Writing and Distribution Service in Establishing Brand Awareness for Your Company

20th February, 2021

Press Release Writing and Distribution Service

To get immediate exposure for a product or service, there is no match for a press release that is the most effective and affordable method of promoting your business and establishing a brand image before the target audience. A professional press release writing and distribution service comes in handy while getting your story out there achieving a journalistic touch. Before you decide upon employing press releases or any other marketing tool to promote your business, you must understand the significance of a PR and what it can do for your company. Let’s go through the numerous advantages of press releases that have the ability to make your brand grow to different audiences.


Immediate results

Press releases are used to get press coverage for a business, product, or service launch, or an event in the company, or to simply establish brand awareness. The timing for the media coverage is crucial in these aspects. Press releases are extremely effective in availing immediate exposure through major media outlets where a vast amount of audience engagement is already in existence. Even if you are just starting out in the field and do not have an existing customer base, PRs can acquire that initial engagement by letting people know about your organization and what you can offer to them. PR publication in reputed websites and publications can build a strong trust that will help your company in the long run.



Keeping marketing costs under control is extremely essential for budding organizations, who must prioritize the quality of their product or service. This is why using press releases is so much popular as it does not cost as much as other traditional paid marketing devices. If you write your press release on your own then it’s completely free. But it’s better to avail the help of professional press release services who are highly efficient in writing journalistic content that clicks with the specific industries flawlessly. They also offer PR distribution in different major media outlets with guaranteed placement. Their services get you maximum return on investment without burning a hole in the pocket.


Increases sale

With press releases, you not only get value for your money but help generate a high amount of sales. Whenever you have a new product or service launch, you can use a press release to make an announcement that will get the words to the target audience. This can create a buzz about your brand in increasing your sales acquiring attention from both existing and new buyers in different markets.


SEO benefits

Press releases are effective in getting online exposure by boosting your rank in the search results in different search engines. Whenever a customer searches for your specific industry or similar type of products your PR must come first before any other companies even long after its publication. Publications usually offer link-back to your website or product page pushing vast traffic to you and also increases your online visibility organically. Your press releases must be optimized for search engines in order to ensure maximum visibility and high search engine ranks.


Increases social sharing

Press releases are not advertisements; they provide the audience with factual stories that are relevant to them. Because of this attribute, press releases encourage and generate interaction and engagement among the readers. It the story is interesting enough to them its gets shared on different social media platforms, unlike other marketing methods. This opens up a whole new demographic for your product and brand acquiring your newer clients building trust and reputation. This does not cost you any money but offers you high online exposure consolidating your promotional campaign.

Tags: Press Release Writing and Distribution Service