Getting fired or being made redundant describes two completely different circumstances one can face. In the former scenario where someone is getting fired, it shows that their performances were not up to the mark. Or they had an attitude problem or due to other reasons that person was not able to perform his or her job properly.
Whereas in the latter scenario, it doesn’t reflect any fault in the employee or their abilities to perform a task. Redundancy is often initiated when the employer or the business cannot support its staff. Or the company no more requires the job that person was designated to do. Unfortunately, along with the job position that employee also has to leave the company.
Regardless whatever the reason was the answer for both circumstances are same, finding a new job. So it is better to plan and be prepared for situations possible. As you have no control over what will lead to you. But the step you can look forward to is taking an upper hand when it comes to your career and the well-being of your professionalism.
Finances – Take care of your finances during your work period to hold a good bank balance. It is usual that whenever you are asked to leave your current company, you may have to wait for a month or two to get another opportunity.
Social Security – You are entitled to have termination payments, if you haven’t got any then you must opt for legal services.
Insurance – You don’t want to be uninsured and jobless both at the same time. So while you still have your job make sure you have insurance.
Do Not Hurry – Wait for the company’s redundancy payment or package, you don’t want to miss out on that. But if you hurry and resign right away you might miss your chance to have a fair payment.
What’s Next?
- Update your resume with the experiences of your last job.
- You can ask some of your friends and acquaintances to be your professional referees.
- You must have the appropriate documents to join the next company.
- With online applications and platforms getting a new job can be very easy.
- Job searching platforms will also let you know about the salaries that other companies are offering for the position.
Mental Sanity
When an Unfortunate instance like this happens, you must prepare yourself for setting up a better career. But along with it you also need to work on your mental sanity as well. Because it still A.I. hasn’t taken over the world and people still have emotions about everything dear to them. If you don’t have any emotion for the place you are working right now even then you will witness phrases of grief. And the deterioration of your mental health is inevitable once you experience a situation like this one. The unavoidable stages of grief are;
1. Shock and Denial
2. Anger and Agony
3. Willing to Negotiate
4. Hitting the hard bottom with Depression
5. Willing to stand up on your feet once again and fight the world with Acceptance
6. Recognizing the situation and working toward a better outcome
7. Hope for the best and move forward
These stages will be there whether you choose to show them or not. But staying confident and searching for the best prospect will be the only look out. Whether you have to support your family or not, giving interviews for your next job is a must. Drinking to the brim of your throat will not bring any good.
Rearrange your work calendar and work for a better future. Opting for the best doesn’t mean you have to go for the best job available. Well, you must try to capture the best opportunity but make yourself flexible to accept a part-time job as well to get the wheel running once again. You can also choose recruitment agencies to get the best option available.