Can Artificial Intelligence Tools Functionally Benefit the Scope of Public Relations?

23rd April, 2020

Artificial Intelligence Tools Benefit for Public Relations

The scope of public relations consolidate areas of brand perception, communication, and relationships at its foundation. On the other hand, artificial intelligence’s ever-expanding virtues in any practical implementation have also been submitted and tested as the future of the world seems promising. PR’s interpersonal approach has gone through considerable change with the generation and implementation of AI-powered tools. AI in public relations strategies has helped take a reformed detour into data-driven sciences. PR professionals can benefit from neural networks and machine learning and utilize the data into knowing about their audiences and forming responses and decisions accordingly with more insights on the same.

The introduction of AI in PR stands as a degree of revolutionary potential. When it comes to identifying trends, tracking, research, analysis, and report generation, artificial intelligence is more dynamic than any other manual effort owing to its monitoring tools, unstructured data, and machine intelligence. This means the accuracy of the job nears one hundred percent, something that is difficult and time-consuming to achieve through human impetus only. According to insiders and professionals, the future of communication lies in technology, more specifically in AI. The study has penetrated much into the accuracy of deliverables in PR as they predict a 38% involvement of enhanced AI in PR skills over the next 5 years.


Will Machines Take Over PR?

Tools are meant to reduce human workload and functional responsibilities. Automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence allow humans to utilize more volumes of effective expertise within less time. Also, the premises of technology also depends on various factors like vision, skills, knowledge, and expertise of the person handling the tool and the job. Communication and PR have always been measured with even the smallest of remainders. Now with technology replacing various functional scopes like content generation and data ingestion, the expenses invested in human resources have also gone down considerably. The expanse of technology can only be fully utilized and implemented if it is handled by an expert. However, the argument of whether machines are taking over human PR forces is not accurate.

According to the director of Client IT at PRIME Research in Germany, Leon Rausch, humans estimate effective changes accurately but its respective time-estimation is not. He says that overestimation of time is dangerous in business because replacing human worth with technology without considering limitations and the importance of human control can result in disasters. As a result, machines can never completely take over PR but will pave the way for an integrated system with better effective results.


Why Human Input is Indispensable

The involvement of human resources in machine learning and AI is essential owing to a lot of factors. Technology being the brainchild of human beings require their expertise to write algorithms, process information and accurately transfer data. Hence, the evolution of artificial intelligence in PR will only work if all factors of technology, finances, and human resources work together to form a running system. But the idea of AI’s central placement in the scope of PR and communications still needs many, many changes.

If we take Alexa for instance, machine learning and its use among the mass may have reached a definite point of accomplishment but these systems are not flawless. The technology is constantly undergoing modifications and data is being fed into the system from millions of sources. However, the world is in a position where communications invariably need to depend on AI or to simply put, technology to a certain extent. At the same time, operational dependency on AI is too much of a risk but taking advantage of technology in PR has been functionally proven to improve and empower communications processes.

Another point that Leon Rausch has highlighted is that technology is accurate in its decisions while humans are always going through decisive and indecisiveness due to various external and physiological factors. As a result, human intuitions should not be replaced by technological conclusions.



The reasons for which AI has a potential future in communications are data management, analysis, and forecasting. As a result, AI, over the years, has transformed into a valuable resource tool during audits, risk management, and community identification. If this part alone is taken care of by tools, more and more focus can be put on the strategic, creative, and organizational variables in the scope of public relations.

Technology has undoubtedly paved the way for faster and better approaches to the practical knowledge, but it can never replace the valuable human touch. It is still a long way for technology to provide accuracy, speed, accessibility, and consistency in processes undertaken by human force.



Public relations can never underestimate the importance of AI-driven tools in their scope of work. The flow of content can be categorized and transformed into an analysis. Identifying market trends and research that is considered extra professional baggage can be carried out by technology whereas creative forms of content and PR management can be focused on more by the team. Audio and image content can also be translated through speech-to-text or image recognition tools for easier management. However, although the standards of an AI-driven PR department seems overly futuristic at this point in time, humans are also blessed to avail their deductions and decision in both their professional and personal lives. Say, for example, Spotify is able to curate a playlist, Facebook can identify friends through image detection while Google follows your search history to customize product or service recommendations. These are some of the most common practical examples of AI in human lives. With its advent in PR, the future looks bright.

Tags: PR Software, Marketing, Media Relations Software and Services, AI and Public Relations Go Together, PR firms start using AI