Change Your Bad Food Habits at Work with These 4 Tricks

13th September, 2022

Unhealthy Eating Habits at Work

We spend half of our days, the most productive hours at work. Working non-stop for more than 8 hours surely takes a toll on us. On top of that adulting adds a lot of responsibilities to our shoulders. Getting groceries and cooking for yourself feels like a big responsibility so we often get fast food deliveries and go on about our day at work. 

In this tiring lifestyle, eating healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle may sound like a big problem, and going to work may feel like it is conspiring against your intent to eat and stay healthy. If you also feel like that, you are not alone, because it probably is messing up with your eating habits. 

Most of the workers start their mornings with a cup of coffee and doughnuts and end it with candy bowls. When you think about the whole picture, the entire community of working adults is facing the same problem. An average working adult spends at least 8.8 hours at work which leaves them no time to cook and eat healthily. If you are still wondering about the result you will be shocked to know almost 65% of the adult working professionals are overweight which can infuse you with various other deadly diseases. 

Now don’t feel disheartened as researchers say only changing a few habits can make you return to the right tracks and these small steps can change your entire eating habits, making your mission to stay healthy achievable.

Let’s look at those simple and short changes that can transform your eating habit:


Several researchers said repeatedly what our intuitions have already told us, vending machines are obesogenic. They contribute to highly growing obesity. These machines contain a large dispense of snacks and foods which you can get at your earliest convenience and come within your budget. But the snacks are extremely high energy density which simply means more calories per bite and are high in sugar and salt. On the nutritional value? Not even half of the calories. So when you buy a snack from the vending machines, you will get a good tasty snack but with music, a bigger calorie count, and fewer nutrients. The next time, save that trip for your next snack adventure to the nearest vending machine. 

2) Don’t Forget Your Daily Dose of Hydration

Our body survives on food and water but how many of us can say we drink 3-4 liters of water every day? Most of the time, when we feel thirsty we take up a cup of coffee or a soda even though we know what our adult bodies require and how unhealthy it is. So, from now on, try to stay hydrated. It not only serves the purpose but also the proper hydration can improve your memory and decrease anxiety. 

3) Fruits Fruits Fruits!

Ditch that candy bowl of yours. I know you are protesting in your mind about how amazing they taste but fruits can be tastier, and healthier! There is a saying that goes out of sight out of mind. If you cut out on the candies, it will reduce your consumption significantly. Instead opt for fruits that will give you your daily dosage of tastiness, natural sugar, and vitamins.

4) Plan Your Snacks 

Take charge of your food today, plan ahead and bring snacks from your home. Consider mixed nuts and seeds, dried fruits, or granola bars. Make a drawer dash and take the stock from your home. It will instantly reduce your habit of binge-eating snacks at your desk and that unhealthy obsession with fast food or vending machine snacks.

Take up these habits and transform your eating from unhealthy to healthy today!!

Tags: Unhealthy Eating Habits at Work, Bad Food Habits at Work