Check 7 Most Amazing Music Playlists that is Productivity-Inducing as per Science

9th September, 2021

Music for work productivity

It is truly amazing to see how music can affect daily productivity. From mellowed-down songs to upbeat music, one never knows which type of music actually leads to effective productivity. Here are the top 7 music playlists recommended by an expert and based on scientific findings that can lead to maximizing productivity at work or in life in general.

Classical Music

Many studies relate music to productivity based on the ‘Mozart Effect’. The study says that listening to classical compositions of Mozart daily can effectively boost something called an ‘abstract reasoning ability’. In the study, people who listened to Mozart for a brief period scored an average of 8-9 points more  as opposed to other attendees. Scientists are of the opinion that classical music has a direct effect on mental health. No matter if the person is finding it difficult to concentrate on work or just want some mental control over their daily lives and chores, classical music is the number one choice.

Nature’s Sound

Sound-filed analysis and psychophysical data say that natural sounds are instrumental in improving cognitive functioning, concentration, and satisfaction. Sounds of nature such as the chirping of birds, crashing waves, etc. can be very beneficial in this regard. It produces an ambient sound and many modern technologies are also offering features like natural sounds for sleep and relaxation.

Soundtracks from Video Games

While choosing video game soundtracks for increasing productivity, one must always be able to differentiate between motivational and distraction. Some of the samples of such music may include rhythmically enriched, high-energy music. On the other hand, one may also explore the scope of serene video games soundtracks to induce concentration and calmness. Research also says that gamers can perform well while listening to the soundtrack.

Pumped-Up Songs

It has been an ongoing question in science if the right kind of music has a direct link with confidence and motivation. Music is said to influence behavior depending on its pace, intensity, and rhythmic undulations. Studies show that high-powered music is twice as effective as music that is mellow. Empowering music can help in influencing a sense of power in an individual’s mind.

Instrumental Songs

According to science, sedative music helps students engage in more productivity as opposed to lyrical music. However, this does not discard the fact that lyrical music cannot induce productivity. This is because lyrics can cause distraction and stop them from becoming productive in their daily work. This type of music also increases emotional reactions in the listeners. Hip hop music for example is filled with extravagant lyrics. As creative energy, it is very good but when it comes to working alongside that music, people may find extreme difficulty in concentrating on the work that they are doing thus hampering performance. So, experimenting with instrumental music can help in retaining the lost calmness thus allowing people to work or do any other chores without any disturbance.

Feel-Good Songs

One of the best doses of increasing daily productivity is to listen to music that is classified as feel good. This type of music stimulates a sense of pleasure within the mind. Feel good music is also subjective as what makes someone feel good can be different from others. As a result, there are no definite rules in defining what feel-good songs are but it depends on the personal preferences and reactions of the listeners.

White Noise

Noise cause distraction when someone is attempting an intellectual activity, thus making an individual annoyed hindering their productivity. So, neutral white noise is extremely beneficial in cutting down these external sounds allowing the individual to reach their goals faster with more accuracy.


Music and psychology are connected to each other on a deeper level as music contributes largely to inducing productivity among individuals. No matter what kind of work is being done, music and sound are scientifically proven to increase concentration depending on various activities and personal preferences.

Tags: Productivity-Inducing Music, Relaxing Music, Music for Work Productivity, Concentration Music