Choosing the Best Press Release Distribution Service: What Should You Consider?

14th March, 2023

Press Release Distribution

A press release is an official announcement of an organization that usually includes announcements of a new product or service or any other important updates. The reason why press releases are considered one of the best marketing tools, even in the digital world, is because the press release is targeted at the media and journalists. In return, the organization gets positive media coverage which enhances its visibility. But all these ROIs depend on how it is distributed. Press release distribution helps a brand or an organization send the content to top-rated media outlets, journalists, bloggers, and influencers. So choosing the right distribution service is what marks the success of the press release truly.

But getting the ideal distribution service is not always easy and there are so many factors to consider. Here are the factors that you must check before you make a decision.

  • List of Outlets:

The first and foremost thing that you need to see when you choose a distribution service is the list of outlets they are offering. The media outlets include news and media sites, new content systems, aggregators, etc. Surely this relies on what geographical area you are choosing but while doing so, you need to remember that more is not always better. However, getting more media outlets can improve your coverage. Several services offer guaranteed placements so you need to select carefully.

  • Considered Audience

The reason why press releases are different from other media tools is because of their target audience, so it plays a huge role in the distribution service as well. Depending on what type of audience should receive your press release you can easily segment your audience. Based on who you are trying to reach, there are several segments of the audience you can select from. Such as-

  1. Regional, and national markets
  2. Multicultural groups
  3. Specific industries
  4. Global
  • Price

This factor creates a huge difference in your budget and the overall cost of the marketing campaign. If you are including press releases on the marketing campaign and using them as a tool, then depending on the marketing budget, you can choose the distribution service. Even though there are providers that can charge literally nothing to distribute press releases, the usual charges that create a huge impact start at $500-600. These prices may go up and down depending on the geographical area you are choosing to target and add-ons.

  • Support

One thing that you need to check next is the customer support the distributor provides. Having a strong customer support team can solve client queries in no time and smoothie the entire process. The support also includes proofreading, to make sure the end file does not have any grammatical or spelling errors. It can also include editorial support which will take an extra price but you will get valuable feedback and ideas. It also means having general support to use the website along with being available or at least responsive 24/7.

  • Writing Service

The writing of a press release follows a distinctive tone and style that makes it different from any other content writing. Usually, a press release is written in a formal tone that does not have the first or second person. So writing a press release is not always the easiest. This is why many distribution companies offer writing services as well. In this world of digital competition, usually, press releases can improve the SEO and web traffic of the company as well. So you need to also consider if the writing of your press release does anything for the improvisation of your company's rank on the search engine results. The writing that this distribution services offer usually looks after the SEO part as well. So if you are also choosing the writing service make sure, they provide sharp, precise, and SEO-included services.

  • Additional Service

Several other things make a press release a success. These things are being able to include multimedia to the content to make it more attractive and customization. So when you are choosing a distribution service, make sure they provide you with these as well.

These are the factors you need to check before choosing a press release distribution service and watch your ROI being increased over time.

Tags: Press Release Distribution, Best Press Release Distribution Service, Best Press Release Service