Common Social Media Marketing Myths Busted

5th February, 2021

Social Media Marketing

For years, social media has enjoyed its designation as a versatile tool to integrate our lives and in professional arenas- the businesses and brands. But what many of us have been missing out on are the myths that need to be busted. At least for the businesses and the brand personalities the truth needs to be debunked.

In this blog, we are going to cover all those spheres and place the reality in from of you.


1) Being active fetches more followers

Well, this is a common perception that lingers around the internet. But how much of it is true? Abiding by this misperception many people spend hours on the internet, hoping to gather more followers. But unfortunately, the truth is quite opposite. It only increases awareness amongst your existing followers. Even if it sounds unacceptable but the new followers your brand receives depends only on the credibility of your business.


2) Like it, share it!

The alluring feature of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and every other platform to post at any point of the day has allowed us to post at random timings. But is that a good idea? Well, not many of us have put much thought into it. But the fact is to grab your target audience’s attention you need to maintain a posting time. Your post timing depends on the nature of your business. Posting abruptly won’t fetch you the desired results.

Like it, share it


3) Being Consistent

Contrary to popular beliefs, consistency at a certain level won’t do you good. Ask why? Thinking from a customer’s perspective, your followers would get annoyed to see repetitive posts and in the worst cases you end up losing them. Regular posting doesn’t necessarily keep them engaged. The secret lies in posting something valuable rather than doing it uselessly.


4) Follow for Follow!

The Instagram buffs are well versed with this feature. This is done to get more followers where people follow random people to increase their follower count on social media platforms. But sadly this is all a fake mask. Even if a follower follows you back at that instant, they take no time to un-follow you. Overall, it’s certainly not a good idea for a long term approach.

Follow for Follow


5) Run Business for Free

The liberty which the social media platforms have given us in terms of promotion or running a business is not free. Businesses require investment and we tend to rely on social media to give wider exposure to our business. Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms indeed provide free access but allowing us to do business for free, needs to be corrected. All these sites charge you a certain amount for marketing. So, next time you approach the sites with high hope, remember that nothing comes for free!


6) Be Omnipresent

Well not literally, but it’s a circulating belief in the world of the internet that the more profile you have on every other social media platform, the more beneficial it is. But that’s just not the case. Do your research and set up a profile or account only on those platforms that would serve your business purpose. In case, social media isn’t working out for you, let it go.


7) Spare the excuses

Here we are talking about those who think that their customers aren’t on social media. According to a survey over 2.30 billion people surf through the internet, out of which at least one platform has an audience group that will resonate with your brand. So, instead of giving excuses, stay updated with the trends.

Spare the excuses


8) Only target the potential customers

Quality over quantity is true but one must never underestimate the power of an extended reach. The reasons being:

  • More followers you approach, it extends your reach to their fans and followers
  • Those followers can refer you to further businesses
  • Your SEO improves when those followers share your content
  • If they are an influencer, imagine the massive rush you get from their association


9) Like or no like

You can’t just run to your family members, ask them to like your post, and expect to reach the zenith of success. While it might look good to have a steady like count but Google and its algorithm is way smarter. To get in the good books of Google and other social media algorithms, you need to cultivate a variety of followers. This would help you in two ways:

  • Show up on other’s feed
  • Grow your reach

So, next time instead of asking your mom to like your post, try and encourage brand awareness.

Like or no like


10) Respond Immediately

A speedy reply is always appreciated, but is it always so? It is obvious that you are dealing with several other things and getting back to every social media activity within seconds is bizarre. Take your time and promptly get back to them. However, exceptions are always there. Depending on your convenience and the importance of the matter, respond with a thoughtful reply.


11) Engagement over Conversation

We often tend to overlook the importance of good engaging content over having an engaging conversation. One must remember that it’s not the conversations with your audience that benefits your social media marketing. The very foundation of social media platforms is to connect people virtually, generate potential leads, and undoubtedly a great place to share your valuable content. Publish worthy posts that could divert your leads to your website.


12) The Hashtag trend

No, you do not have to put a hashtag for every other post. The hashtags work as a bridge between two common or similar conversations. Therefore, it’s okay to have a hashtag for a show or an event, but don’t freak out if you do not find a hashtag to match up with the ongoing trend. Think of it from the lens of being user-friendly rather than making it a way to fulfill all your marketing ambitions.

The Hashtag trend

Tags: Social Media Marketing