Digital Jewelry and How it Changed Our Perspective on Technology

29th March, 2023

What is Digital Jewelry

Most of the time, when we hear the word "jewelry" we think of the ornaments we wear, either daily, or on special occasions. We wear jewelry for a bunch of different reasons which include wearing it as a symbol of commitment or affiliation. We also wear jewelry for aesthetics or to impress someone or to simply complete the look. However, these meanings are completely changing because of technology and its advancements. Researchers are developing new technologies every day to change the way we look at jewelry and the way we think about wearing them forever.

What is Digital Jewelry?

So what is this fuss about digital jewelry anyway? What is it? Well, it is the ability to wear wireless computers which is also the latest computer craze. This is what the term 'Digital Jewelry' means and it is the upcoming fashion trend that will be influenced by technology and its wave. It was predictable that the new wave of mobile phones is coming and now with this latest addition, Digital Jewelry might double as our personal assets, cell phones, and GPS receivers. So, to put it simply, Digital Jewelry is fashion jewelry embedded with intelligence.

What does Digital Jewelry do?

Using Digital Jewelry means it can solve small but impactful problems like forgotten passwords, and will also work as a security badge. The manufacturers of today can fit millions of transistors on a microchip which then can be used to make small devices and store digital data. Using this concept the making of Digital Jewelry could be done and now it appears to be one of the biggest growing promotions in the world. Digital Jewelries will also have tiny processors along with unique identifiers. These unique identifiers will interact with local sensors and can be used as security badges.

Announcing the technological phenomena, Dan Russell, the senior manager of IBM’s Almaden Research Lab, has said, “We’ve made one of almost everything except tongue rings”. IBM’s Almaden Research La is the place where the institute is developing the newfound digital Jewelry technology.

How will Digital Jewelry Impact?

By using digital jewelry, the first and most visible impact will be upon cell phones. They will take a new form where they will appear to have no form at all. Digital Jewelries will have different pieces where the cell phones will be broken up into their basic components and will be packaged. Here each piece of digital jewelry will include a fraction of the components that are usually found in mobile phones. According to IBM, together digital jewelry will work just fine and a conventional mobile phone would work. Various components of mobile phones like a Microphone, Receiver, Circuit board, Antenna, Touchpad, Display, Battery, etc. will be placed in different digital jewelry.

Types of Digital Jewelry and its components:

● Digital Jewelry Necklace -

The digital jewelry necklace will have a microphone embedded in it so the users can talk into it to get things done.

● Digital Jewelry Earrings -

The speakers will be embedded in the earrings which will work as the phone’s receivers.

● Digital Jewelry Bracelet -

The bracelets will be embedded with a video graphics array (VGA) display which will be placed at the wrists. This can also be used to identify callers as it will flash the caller's name and phone number.

● Digital Jewelry Ring -

This is the most interesting piece as it will have light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that will flash to indicate an incoming call. It can also change colors according to its importance.

Imagine mailing your boss just by talking into your necklace! Yes, this can be the future with the new invention of Digital Jewelries.

Tags: What is Digital Jewelry, Types of Digital Jewelry, Advantages of Digital Jewelry