Elaborated Version of How to Write a New CEO Press Release Seamlessly

27th March, 2023

How to Write a New CEO Press Release

To keep the wheel running smoothly companies and organizations have to regularly oil it by hiring and replacing their employees. And when leadership changes this has to be written about. From your employee base to your customer base, everyone needs to know about it. This will come under your standard public relations tasks. A properly crafted CEO PR will be considered as news only.

Maximum of the time for CEO press releases, your employees are your potential audience. And writing and distributing your new CEO or CFO press release announcement to your staff along with other media domains. Completing a task like this one may sound daunting at first but if you follow it step by step then the entire process will become lucid for any writer.

  • Know Your Questions

The first step of how to write a new CEO press release is to know all the questions you need to answer in your press release. The following questions are what you will need.

  1. Who is about to retire?
  2. Who is succeeding in his place?
  3. Has there been any exclusive procedure to determine the candidate to succeed?
  4. How the decision was made by the board?

You need to think like the readers and what questions might they ask. And follow the motif of press release writing to satiate their curiosity on this topic. Answering these aforesaid questions might be enough for starters. You are welcome to add more if you have more to share.

  • Basic Structure to Follow

A press release has an inverted pyramid structure which can be easily achieved so that you make no mistakes while writing it. Just follow the never failing structure to write a press release to maximum engagement.

  1. Heading
  2. Brief details on the news
  3. A Relevant photo
  4. Name and designation
  5. Duties and responsibilities
  6. Selection procedure
  7. Effective dates
  8. Reason to change or recruit
  9. Previous position holder
  10. Experience, Alma meter
  11. Quote – from both of the persons in interest or anyone
  12. Another image
  13. Company logo
  14. Company name
  15. Address
  16. Name of the company owner, CEO, and investors (if requested/ recommended)
  17. Company Website
  18. Release Date
  19. Date Line
  20. Boilerplate
  21. Contact Information

The heading has to be catchy there is no option or alternative for that. A heading can determine whether your readers will have or have not the urge to read the PR. So, make sure your press release headline is short, catchy, and creates a sense of urgency.

Lede, when you have a great title you need to be innovative and creative with your opening line as well. If you follow major brands then you will see, more of their press releases open with an in-house pun. Being quirky or witty is their way to engage people. And it surely is a great way to keep them interested in your write-up.

In the first paragraph, you know you can write a press release on this topic. To properly use this information, you need to make that inverted pyramid with your press release. Information wise the first paragraph must be loaded with answers that your readers must be having. In the opening paragraph give all the answers of who’s, how’s, when’s, and where’s.

The second paragraph describes the entire scenario and the process of recruiting. You can also add a quote and basic experience history and impacts in this paragraph. You need to know your second paragraph will ensure whether you have kept your audience or not. So, make it creative, and elaborative, and be generous with information.

The third paragraph will convey more about the designation and responsibilities of that designation. You can also indulge in giving more information about your company as well. Always give a proper closure to your press release. In this segment, you can give some insights into your company.

A typical press release should have only three paragraphs, but if you going on board writing then you can opt for longer press releases, but it will lose the elasticity. A well-written press release should look like a news article. This is the only to make the heads turn in the direction of your CEO press release.

Tags: How to Write a New CEO Press Release, Write a Press Release, Press Release Headline