Embracing the Future by Overcoming the Fear of AI

27th July, 2024

How to Overcome Fear of AI?

AI or Artificial Intelligence in a broader sense is the intelligence that computer systems exhibit. It is indeed a fascinating subject and although it has been around for a couple of years, few people have their concepts cleared about what AI is and what it does. Just like anything new and powerful, AI too can be a bit scary, especially to people who do not understand it well. This half-knowledge or zero knowledge has given birth to two kinds of mentality regarding Artificial Intelligence. People either think of AI as the solution to all humanity’s problems or think AI has no power to alternate anything real.

Let's understand what AI is and how to completely overcome the fear of it so that we can embrace this unique technological development by incorporating it in our future.

What is Artificial Intelligence: Definitions and Limitations

McKinsey's report says that AI or Artificial Intelligence is a machine's ability to do cognitive tasks or perform functions. In simpler words, a machine can think, rationalize, and perceive tasks and functions like humans. AI can perform all levels of Bloom's taxonomy, "remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating new things." When combined with other technologies or on its own, AI can perform tasks that otherwise would require human intervention or intelligence.

While the current AI can do complex calculations and is excellent at pattern recognition, it still lacks human-like reasoning and understanding. We humans have unique abilities like using common sense, emotional intelligence, and creativity that the current state of Artificial Intelligence cannot reach.

Human Brain is the Blueprint of AI

We have a restricted understanding of human brains. This is the reason why AI has not been able to develop itself yet. By studying how the human brain works, we can develop a more transparent AI system. The inner workings of several AI algorithms are smeared which makes it difficult to improve. Studying the brain more in this case can lead to a more transparent and more understandable AI system.

Understanding the brain and how it possesses human qualities like creative thinking, and social and emotional intelligence will guide AI's development shortly.

Further Exploration helps in Overcoming Fear

Fear is something that often arises from what is unknown to us. If you start actively learning about Artificial Intelligence, you can also make your fear and anxiety regarding AI less severe. Here is what you can do -

  • Read through articles and books about Artificial Intelligence.
  • Discuss the topic with colleagues and friends.
  • Use AI-powered tools and systems in your daily lives. 

It is only by expanding your knowledge base about the subject that would actually make you understand how AI could impact your life and job role.

Mitigating the Fear of Losing Jobs to AI

AI is made to make things easier for human beings. So yes, it might automate some tasks that humans do to this day. However, it is very unlikely that it would replace all human jobs with technology. If with enough exploration and knowledge, you think that AI poses a threat to your current job role, here is what you can do -

  • Learn some new skills that complement the works of AI. It will enhance your value proposition in the market.
  • Develop an entirely new skill set that is related to emotional, and social intelligence, or creative thinking that will help you to transition into new career paths.
  • Learn how to use AI tools that you can use to your advantage as you remain in your current position.

One of the reasons why AI and moving forward with it is necessary is because AI is inevitable in the future. So, learn new things, and upskill yourself so that you can work with AI, hand-in-hand.

Tags: How to Overcome Fear of AI, How to Stop Worrying about AI, How Not to be Scared of AI