Employee Onboarding and Fun Games: Let’s Encourage Employees with New Activities

16th July, 2024

Fun Onboarding Activities for New Hires

Employees go through a stressful time while starting a new job. It is not only exhausting for an employee but for the companies too. Every company has its significant way of resourcing employees depending on its criteria. Therefore, finding the right candidate takes a lot of effort too. That is why, the onboarding process is considered quite difficult for all. A few fun activities at the initial stage of onboarding can be really helpful. So, let’s know a few essential things regarding onboarding an employee -

Why Employee Onboarding is Essential? 

Employee onboarding is immensely important for companies because low-quality onboarding can cause a lot of problems. With the help of employee onboarding activities, companies can help to make a good bond with all the team members. Every foundation should encourage employees in their work, which can help to boost productivity. Onboarding is one of the most important processes that affect future endeavors. If companies want to have a long run with an employee, then they should put their efforts intothe employee onboarding process.

What are the Fun Activities for New Joiners? 

It has been observed that a few fun activities help a new employee to make better bonds with their team members. A team would work better when they have a good connection with each other. In addition to that, the fun activities also help a company to make a better impact on its employees. Well, it can be said that a few initiatives can be fruitful in every aspect. Here are some of the fun games that can provide a better result -

  • Icebreakers:

Icebreakers can be a great way to ease a team. In the world of virtual onboarding and remote work, it is important to know every team member in a better way. In the time of virtual onboarding, having a great conversation and a few versatile activities can be really helpful. It can assist a new employee to know all the team members in a better way. For the icebreakers, simple conversations can create a good atmosphere for working. Therefore, this particular activity can be immensely helpful for a new employee.

  • Rapid Fire Game:

Another brilliant game is the rapid-fire questions. In this game, one employee would be asked several questions. And the interesting part is how many answers one can give in a brief time. The light-hearted questions would help them to create a bond with all. Along with that, it can assist all the employees to know each other in a better manner. This can create a welcoming atmosphere, which every employee wants while starting a new job.

  • A Round of Introduction: 

In every company, there should be a round of introduction. When a new employee is joining a company, they do not know anyone. Thus, if there is a session of introduction, they will be able to learn about all the employees and their jobs. This round can also give them a better knowledge regarding the company and its work culture. This can be an outstanding initiative when there are new hires.

  • Name Game:

The name game is an interesting game that can help to know the team members in a better manner. In this game, the team members need to be in a circle. The first person says their name then the second person says their name along with the first person’s name and this goes on serially. This can help one to recognize all the team members in a hassle-free manner.

Adding a little happiness to lessen the stress will, therefore, help the new hires feel motivated. It will further help them loosen up and receive positive vibes from the workplace.

Tags: Fun Onboarding Activities for New Hires, Onboarding Topics for New Hires, Fun Activities for New Employee Orientation