Entrepreneur Motivation: Why Do Most Entrepreneurs Start Businesses?

30th November, 2023

Why Do Entrepreneurs Create New Businesses?

In this world of business, the competition is only increasing. With so many entrepreneurs launching businesses every day, it has become even harder to put the spotlight on brands and gain the attention of the target audience.

An entrepreneur is an individual who owns a business or starts one. Often these new businesses are based on an idea or a product these individuals have developed. Whether the industry is farming, retail, or social service, an entrepreneur is someone who gets success by taking risks. So why do they do that?

1. Freedom of Following the Passion:

The first thing that comes with starting your open business is the freedom to follow your passion. Let's say you have this skill or talent or a mere hobby from childhood, you are genuinely interested in that and naturally talented, so it would be right to monetize it and start your business with the freedom. Entrepreneurs tally whether the skill is marketable and profitable and decide if the passion can pay the bills.

2. Turn a Side Project into Something More Profitable:

Many successful businesses were once a side gig of nine-to-five employees who worked hard to make a full-time business. So a lot of time, fully grown businesses started with just being a side project or gig. In 2022 alone, according to study reports 23 percent of entrepreneurs were focused on either starting a side gig or planning to turn the side project into a full-time business. However, it is important to remember that this turnover can take months, sometimes years to happen. It is just like a seed you need to water continuously to grow into a plant.

3. Supporting Communities and Non-Profits:

A lot of entrepreneurs have a deep desire to start a business to become a driving force in uplifting the less fortunate. These noble yet business-minded people who are called Social Entrepreneurs see starting a small business as a means to implement change in society. They are not driven by money but rather by a desire to change the world for the better while starting their ventures. However, for a successful venture, people would need to understand giving back to the community does not remove the responsibility of fulfilling the demands and requirements of the target audience.

4. Challenging the Status Quo:

Another reason why entrepreneurs start their businesses rather than work under another boss or an organization is their interest in challenging the status quo. This thinking often comes from a mindset that dreams about doing something in a different, better way, and this sentiment is often held by people who are absolute game-changers to the market and society. Disrupting the ongoing norms is a powerful driving force and an incentive for new entrepreneurs however, this disruption should not only be based on personal experiences or feelings.

5. Flexible Work Schedule:

Working for someone else, especially a nine-to-five job means there will be fewer opportunities to have a fine work-life balance. So a lot of the time people start businesses on their own to have more personal and family time. Having your own business comes with the flexibility of building your work schedule and not having to worry about meeting someone else's standards, rather than creating your own.

6. Financial Freedom:

While working for a specific organization puts a limit on your earnings, having your businesses comes with the choice of putting no limitations. Financial freedom is a big driving factor when it comes to starting your own business.

7. Becoming Your Boss:

Having a business of your own would not require you to call someone else boss, or hearkening to someone else's orders. A great driving force behind starting a small business is the desire to become your boss which comes with the ability to create your schedule and take decisions that you think are the best among all other advantages.

If you are thinking of starting your own business, let these reasons be the push you need.

Tags: Why Do Entrepreneurs Create New Businesses, Why Do Entrepreneurs Start Businesses, What is the Main Purpose of Starting a Business