Explore the Vital Effects of Free Press Release Services: The Good and The Bad

27th November, 2023

Effects of Free Press Release Services

While jolting down the advantages and the disadvantages of press release distribution, you must understand that free distributions often deliver lesser outcomes than paid press release services, however, the iota of free PR distribution might give you a glimpse of how much you can explore with paid services in the same field. Press releases requires proper distribution and only a comprehensive press release package can deliver that but without being too judgmental or dismissive, let’s understand how a free press release can impact your business, and also the shortcoming of it.

To Start With, Let’s Have a Look at the Benefits of Free Press Release Distributions:

Benefits of Free Press Release Distributions

  1. Reach - Press release distributions can offer a large reach amongst its domain and what can be better if you are willing to spread the wings of your business fly higher. Yet, the effects of free press release services can be limited but even the baby steps count for businesses.
  2. Features - Once you get promoted through your press release you can be featured in various magazines are media houses can promote your news. Not just you can also determine how well your press release has done through analytics and web traffic.
  3. Convenience - PR distributions are a very convenient way to promote your newsworthy story. You just have to submit it through a free PR site and they will distribute it through their budding websites and you will have your initial recognition in the market.
  4. Costs - For a free press release distribution you will not have to spend a single penny. This is a great opportunity that you can use to boost your initial growth yet not spending anything at all.
  5. Social Media Engagement - You can build a great amount of social media engagement with your press release services.
  6. Newsworthy Quotient - This is a great opportunity to fir a budding business to understand how much their news has the potential to reach the target audience. Yet, the distribution might be limited but if the story is newsworthy then it is bound to attract an audience.

While advantages are extremely beneficial disadvantages of a free press release distribution might be something that should count on. There are few but, taking a cognitive step is something you will need to work on.

Disadvantages of a Free Press Release Distribution

  1. Limited Reach - With free PR distribution you will have limited reach. This is a problem for paid press release services also. Because you might not get the exposure from your service provider and there’s nothing you can do about it.
  2. Wrong Service Provider - This is a mistake that everyone commits and they should also try to restrain themselves from making this mistake. This is very important for a business to use authentic service providers to create positive effects through distribution.
  3. Unwanted Advertisements - A free distribution will insert unwanted Google ads to your press release, which sort of reduces the gravity of a publication.
  4. Less to Zero Customer Services - Very few services PR distributors offer customer services for a free press release distribution. This is a very underwhelming fact about this domain, but the positive thing is that there are still services that will offer some customer support.
  5. No Alteration - You don’t get to alter your PR once it’s out there. This is something some press release distribution services don’t provide for paid customers as well. But for a free PR service, they will not even offer the chance.
  6. Overall Quality - The overall quality of a free press release service can vary, but it is all luck whether you find a good service provider for your free PR distribution.

Paid Press Release Advantages

Paid Press Release Advantages

While you are opting for press releases as a marketing tool, you must give yourself the option to go for paid press releases as well. Whether you are vouching for various other promotional tools, let’s dive into the paid press release advantages and the paid PR drawbacks.

  1. Get More than You Pay - This is the most charming thing about press releases, a paid service that gives you wings to fly higher than you imagined you would. And the engagement is worth more than you have paid in the first place to your PR distributor.
  2. Media Reach - You often wonder from where news sites get their news. The answer is press releases, from Apple to Amazon, all use press releases to convey their side of the story and the news channels and media houses start to quote them and more people engage to learn about the news. If you choose paid services then your PR will be distributed in the most followed media sites on Google which will bring immense about of journalist engagements.
  3. Help Desk - You spot a mistake in the information, or you want to change your previous contact number. You will get 24/7 customer support so that you can get it done instantly. This is one of the most useful trails of paid press release services, getting help at any point in time regarding your press release.
  4. Reports and Analytics - How to know how well your press release is doing? You need reports and analytics to understand the difference your press release distribution has made. Whether you are at the beginning of your career or doing well or exponentially thriving, whenever you issue a press release you would like to have growth for your business, and these reports and analytics will help you understand how much you have achieved by the end of a full-fledged press release distribution.
  5. Better Branding - A business needs to have its brand image elevated each time it promotes through a press release. If you are going for a targeted distribution for your business you need to mention local, city, state, regional, or national depending on your budget to have a great distribution and a more fruitful one.
  6. Results - This is a sad but realistic truth that press release distributions matter because they offer results and positive outcomes. From giving credibility to your business to boosting brand image, results a guaranteed in paid press release services.

Paid Press Release Drawbacks

Paid Press Release Drawbacks

Not meeting your demands – this is one of the most common factors, sometimes budding business has more demand than they could pay for. And this disparity can provoke a sense of dissatisfaction. For better services, one needs to pay more.

  1. Too Much Expensive - For better services the costs also can go up too high. And this can be a disadvantage for some people.
  2. Variation in Services - This is quite common for press release distributors. Not all press release services offer the same range of distribution at similar prices. Before you select a service go through their services to ensure utmost success.

Press Release Distribution Software

When you are counting on press release distribution why skip on this useful aspect of this domain? There is press release distribution software that can create, format, and distribute press releases for you. But this too has advantages and disadvantages of it:

Advantages of Press Release Distribution Software

Advantages of Press Release Distribution Software

  1. Cost Effective - This is a convenient press release distribution offer, extremely convenient and useful. If you are someone who relies on DIY things rather than going for a professional, this is a good option for you. Yes, this software comes with a cost but it might allow you to issue more press releases.
  2. Better Control - You will have better control over what is written in your press release and how it is written in the press release you are sending.
  3. Customization - You will have plenty of scopes to customize your press release and alter it as per your preferences.

Yet, this brings a few drawbacks as well. Here are the few Disadvantages of using Press Release Distribution Software:

Disadvantages Press Release Distribution Software

  1. Time - It is a boon and a bane because it might take a lot of time to understand the comprehensive process of using this. But it is a boon, as once you get a hold of the process to create engaging PRs you can be unstoppable.
  2. Efforts - It will take more effort than other press release distribution options.
  3. Reach - it might give you limited reach and will be unable to upgrade the distribution process through various news sites and media houses.

Each press release distribution has its advantages and drawbacks, but which one will suit you and your business can only be said after you have tested three of these or at least any two of these. A free press release distribution can’t be extremely beneficial for your business but you can at least understand how a press release can deliver. On the other hand paid press releases are known for their mass usage, everyone mostly vouches for paid PR promotions to get vocal about their news. Lastly, if you are someone who has a great command over the English language and is confident enough to execute it properly then investing in press release software will considered a wise decision, otherwise, sticking to the former two options would be preferable.

Tags: Effects of Free Press Release Services, What is the Impact of Press Release, Why Use a Press Release Distribution Service, What is an Important Aspect of a Press Release