Google AI Overviews: A Forever Change in the Market

12th June, 2024

How will AI Change Google Search?

Google has been bringing some major updates to its search engine algorithms which left many website owners scratching their heads about how to come up with a better strategy. While standing at the top of the SERP or search engine results pages is the prime goal here, the traditional methods of SEO boosting might require some changes based on the latest updates.

By now, you might have already noticed that Google has introduced Google AI Overview which is a new section introduced by the platform to SEO and PPC rankings. Let’s know more about this feature and how it can help perform better in the search results for different websites.

What are Considered Google AI Overviews (AIO)?

AIO refers to the answers that are generated by Artificial intelligence that combines the different results from the web. These new features have been launched by Google on May 14 which is set to improve Search Generative Experience, or SGE. According to Google’s statement, it is “designed to improve the search experience by acting as agents that can answer questions and organize results into a personalized feed.” By utilizing Knowledge Graph data, Google’s AI offers overviews by gathering data from various platforms.

3 Predictions After Google AI Overviews

1. Google’s Reputation is at Risk

The AI Overviews still need to learn a lot as it has serious issues of reliability, quality, and usability. There are many demonstrations where the AI Overview is offering drastic results without any intelligent output. Danny Goodwin, Managing Editor at Search Engine Land said that it is getting harder for users to trust Google with such drastic results which is making online users go for other search engines. Numerous companies are creating AI-based products that give tough competition to Google.

2. Organic Traffic from Google Can Drop

The results on SERP will change with the effect of AI overviews as top-ranking organic results will be further pushed down the result page unless they appear with AIO itself. The loyal customers of some brands or websites would be required to scroll down further to find the website they are looking for. As a result, inaccurate results can reduce the amount of organic traffic significantly. Experts are suggesting that there will be a significant drop of 25% by 2026 due AI AI-based search results. Users will be more likely to trust one result rather than research through two or three top-ranking websites.

3. Traditional SEO Practices Need to be Changed

Effective practices for SEO are about to change. With the AI Overview search experience, Google’s algorithm is going through a major change, and getting your website ranked on the result pages has become more complex than ever.

How to Survive the Recent SEO Changes? Find 3 Ways

1. Don’t Give up on SEO Already

Don’t give up on SEO yet just because AIO has launched. You need to stick to it to improve your website's performance. But make sure to renew your SEO strategy based on the latest SERP structure.

2. Explore other Marketing Channels

As AI overviews can cause a loss in traffic, you need to look for other marketing channels that help to grow your business with more exposure and sales. Starting from video marketing, influencer marketing, and other methods; it needs to be strategized with modern and trendy practices.

3. Build your Brand

Focus on building your brand and spreading awareness with a cross-channel marketing approach. This way your business will gain more visibility without worrying about SEO ranking.

Google AI Overviews have just launched in the market it is going to stay. It is recommended to learn the new idea for SERP on Google created an impact in the market.

Tags: How will AI Change Google Search, How will AI Affect Search