The term ‘Art Therapy’ has been around in the world since the 1940s. When we think about the origin of art therapy, we constantly think about Margaret Naumburg and Edith Kramer, the two pioneers of this field who used this therapy for their clients. It helped them face their inner thoughts and feelings through creative expression.
Since then many therapists use art therapy as a way for their patients to express their anger, frustration, and trapper inner feelings. This therapy is known otherwise as expressive therapy which lets people express their bottled-up emotions and thoughts. One of the reasons this is effective as a therapy is that people will have the freedom to be as bad as they want to be! Yes, you heard it right, in art therapy, you will not need to think about whether your art is good or not, you are just able to express yourself freely.
The process includes paints, chalk, markers, and basically anything that will help you to draw and express. This is about painting your thoughts and emotions and includes stress painting or designing a postcard you will never send. The list goes on and on. This is particularly effective for people who find it difficult to express themselves or are not good at expressing what they are going through verbally.
How does Art Therapy Help?
Helps with Self-expression
People who find it difficult to express themselves can surely benefit from art therapy. The more people engage in this form of therapy the more they get comfortable with expressing what they are feeling and what is bothering them.
Reduces Stress and Pain
Art therapy requires you to pin down your emotions in a form of painting or photography, etc. just expressing can alone reduce pain and anger, and other negative emotions that are hampering mental peace. When people become free and use this therapy as a way to cope with their emotions, it significantly reduces their stress and pain.
Helps to Deal with Pain and Negative Emotions
Often we feel things but cannot express the fear of how other people will react to them. This especially happens when we are experiencing a negative emotion, such as pain, anger, stress, etc. When we express that through art, it gives us a way to deal with these emotions without actually verbally saying them and hurting other people. It also helps us from expressing ourselves physically which can potentially harm other people or injure ourselves.
Helps with Self-awareness
When we express ourselves, we become self-aware. We know ourselves a little better when we think out loud or express what we are feeling. We come to terms with those pinned and bottled-up feelings and eventually become better communicators. Art therapy is also great for self-esteem and is known to improve them, especially for issues related to bad communication, stress, anxiety, and depression.
What are the Types of Art Therapy?
There are various ways that people make art therapy to good use. These types are –
- Painting
- Collaging
- Photography
- Digital art
- Textiles
Which People Can Benefit from This Therapy?
- People with dementia can take help from this therapy by using the creative parts of their brains which will be helpful in restoring their sense of self-identity.
- People who are suffering from autism can use this therapy to calm themselves in stressful situations and use it as a distraction.
- People with learning difficulties and difficulty expressing their emotions verbally can take advantage of this therapy.
- People who are suffering from mental health problems.
- Prisoners can use this to cope with their stress.
- People with chronic illnesses can use this as it gives a sense of freedom and control.