How to Avoid Being a Victim of Cybercrime?

13th June, 2023

Cybercrime and How Not to be Its Victim

With the increase of technological advancements on the internet, the ill intentions of people have also expanded which can impose a real threat on people and their identities. Anyone, absolutely anyone can be a victim of cybercrime these days, so taking measures to avoid that has become an important segment of surfing the internet. Here are four important ways you can take to save yourself.

1. Prevent being Hacked

Hacking is a type of activity that compromises digital devices like computers, Laptops, smartphones, etc., and sometimes even entire networks. Use these tricks to save yourself and your device from being hacked.

● Do not use public networks: when you visit a coffee place or a public place with free Wi-Fi, refrain from connecting to that network as it exposes them to potential hackers.

● For sensitive business, do not use public computers: If you are planning to make transactions or do online shopping, avoid using public computers for that. You do not know that the computer has any special program to copy and record your passwords.

● Do not share passwords: It is best to keep the passwords of your different accounts to yourself. But if you do end up sharing it with someone, make sure to change it to prevent them from accessing your accounts.

● Avoid downloading unknown applications: Unknown applications may carry malicious software that can really corrupt your devices.

2. Prevent being Cyberbullied

Also known as Cyber harassment, cyberbullying is a form of bullying that is done by using the internet. As technology has advanced and digital spheres have expanded, it has become moderately easier to harass someone online. So, take these measures to stop that from happening to you.

● Ignore the trolls: Trolls are those people on the internet that purposefully agitate other users which can result in verbal abuse. These people mainly seek attention and soon back away when not given away, so it is better to completely avoid them.

● Control your emotions: Whatever you read on the internet; it is now time to not get emotionally affected by them. Those are just words that have no power to hurt you in real life.

● Report the cyber bullies: If you find trolls and bullies verbally harassing you or anyone else, take charge and report them to the authority of the platform.

3. Prevent Online Pornography

Studies have linked poor mental and physical conditions to excessive pornography consumption. Unintentional online pornography can impact negatively so use these effective methods against it.

● Block websites: You can set the antivirus application that you are using to block any pornographic websites. If you are using a smaller network, contact the administrator.

● Report any cyber prostitution activities: If you are aware of any pornographic activities online, especially in your area, like cyber prostitution, alert the local authorities to take action.

● Talk to people concerned: The toughest problems can be solved sometimes with just conversations. So if you suspect pornographic websites being visited in your household, speak with them about the threats of surfing such websites on the internet.

4. Prevent Online Piracy

Many pirated contents act like traps to steal personal information and data from the users and later use them to do criminal activities. So use these methods to put a stop to online piracy.

● Stop sharing copied content on social media: Avoid making any copies of movies, music, or any kind of copyrighted media and share them with others on the internet. Doing such things can violate the copyright law and contribute to online piracy which is punishable by law.

● Avoid downloading illegal items: You can avoid downloading illegal items by purchasing media content from real sources only, like Amazon, or iTunes.

● Report any pirated sites: While surfing the internet, if you come across any websites that share and deal with illegal content, you can immediately contact local government units or SIP handling these matters and report to them.

Tags: Cybercrime and How Not to be Its Victim, How to Prevent Cybercrime, Cybercrime Awareness, Avoid being a Victim of Cybercrime