How to Build up Communication Skills?

20th November, 2023

How to be a Better Communicator?

Many people have a fear of speaking in public. This phobia is called glossophobia, which is quite common. People with this phobia are terrified to talk in public. For others, it may seem quite normal to talk in public. But people with this phobia become quite nervous in this kind of situation. People with this phobia might think they can avoid speaking in public. But every time it doesn’t go like this. There will be some point in time when they have to overcome this problem. Many people come out of this phobia when they step onto the stage or the situation is unavoidable. However, if you suffer from this phobia, you cannot always think that only a motivation like this would help you and you will do nothing until then. There are a few steps that can help you to come out of this situation. Let’s dig into the solutions- 

1. Take Active Participation: 

Whenever there is a scope for speaking, you have to take the initiative to talk. At the very first you have to push yourself by taking the initiative. If you do not take the first step, then no one can help you to overcome the fear. That is why, it is advised to talk when you are surrounded by many people talking on a certain topic. For this, you have to look for opportunities where you can speak. For example, if you are in a meeting and not participating in the meeting then it can have a negative impact. So, you have to raise your hand and actively participate in the meeting. Otherwise, you will not get a fruitful result and it can create a drawback in your performance. 

2. Try to Speak in Uncomfortable Situations: 

Find ways to become comfortable even in uncomfortable scenarios. When you have a fear of speaking in public, in this situation you have to learn to embrace the environment. You have to understand, there would be many barriers in your daily life. And you cannot always avoid them for a certain trait of yours. You need to train yourself to handle every kind of situation whether you are comfortable or not. If you really want to come out of that fear, you have to take yourself out of your comfort zone. Otherwise, you will not see any kind of growth in your personal life or career. This particular trait can cause a lot of problems in your life, so try to learn to deal with these kinds of problems. 

3. Read More: 

It is seen that reading can reduce this problem to a huge extent. That is why, professionals advise you to read as much content as you can. This practice will not only help you to gain knowledge but it is also quite helpful in building confidence. You might have seen that, if you have knowledge of certain things and people are talking on that subject you will end up talking with them. Reading would also help you to participate in the discussion. With this small step, you can achieve your goal and overcome your fear in a much easier way. So try to follow this step, if you really want to come out of glossophobia. 

These are the few steps that you can follow if you want to overcome your fear of speaking in public. All these methods can be quite helpful if you want to get a fruitful result. If you practice all these you can see a visible result in a short time span. Therefore, you will be able to achieve your personal and professional growth at a rapid pace. 

Tags: How to be a Better Communicator, How to be Good Communication Skills