How to Get Started with the WhatsApp Business App Today!

18th May, 2021

WhatsApp Business App

You must have already included platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in your marketing strategy. That’s alright. But maybe you’re missing out on another major platform that is equally important to your brand.

WhatsApp has quickly emerged as the go-to messaging app for over 1.6 billion consumers around the globe. It is simple, fast, convenient, and connects family and friends over chat, photos, videos, and other secure modes of conversation.

Here are 6 impressive stats about WhatsApp:

  • Over 2 billion users use WhatsApp   
  • It is the most popular mobile messaging app in the world
  • It is the 3rd most used social media platform
  • WhatsApp has over half a billion daily active users
  • 58% of the users use the app more than once every day
  • 27% of the users belong to the age group of 26-35

However, it is more than just a texting app and can be effectively used for your business too!

There’s a lot of buzz about how the WhatsApp Business app, and for all good reasons.

What is WhatsApp Business?

The WhatsApp Business App allows you to have a business presence of WhatsApp. The app enables you to communicate efficiently with customers and helps you grow your business.

It is free to download and available on both iPhone and Android. Moreover, the app works just like WhatsApp messenger!

Let’s just take a quick dive into what this amazing app has to offer.

Who can use the WhatsApp Business App?

WhatsApp Business was created with the idea to help small business owners. The app helps to connect business owners with customers. It also supports them with personalized and immediate customer service.

This is the one question that WhatsApp takes very seriously and why not?

There is another similar app known as the WhatsApp Business API. This is tailored for larger companies. This app helps the bigger companies to communicate with customers all over the world.

Any business can use this platform to interact better. Users can simply use it from their mobile phones. In simple words, WhatsApp Business is a boon to the commerce market.

So, if you are a business owner and have never considered using it before, do it now!

Now, why do you need this app as a brand owner?

8 key things that the app helps you with:

1. Boost customer service:

The effect of social media is now clearly visible to all. So what’s more personal and efficient than a designated app to serve the customers?

Having a WhatsApp Business account helps you in multiple ways. The various features that help to elevate communication with the consumers:

a. Fast Reply: You can save answers to the frequently asked questions as templates. This saves a major amount of time from typing out the same answers.

Moreover, your customers will receive faster replies!

b. Labels: You can use particular labels to organize and categorize your messages and users. This further helps to sort the messages based on urgency and recognize the returning customers.

Use new labels or pre-programmed ones that connect to your business.

c. Greeting Messages: Times when you’re unable to respond immediately, the set-up automated messages could be your savior!

This indeed works out great when a customer contacts outside of business hours. You can also customize your message and activate them at the chosen hour. Sounds cool, isn’t it?

2. Catalog your products

It becomes easier for customers when all the products are showcased in a catalog. The WhatsApp Business App lets you do that.

This tool works great for highlighting all the new and seasonal collections.

Some key facts to remember:

  • A maximum of 500 products or services could be uploaded
  • Each service or product requires a title, description, price, link, and product code to the product on your website
  • Each product needs an image
  • You can share the links from the catalog in WhatsApp conversations

3. Communicate with employees or colleagues

Did you think that WhatsApp Business is only for the customers?

Well, no. It is a smart tool to communicate with your employees also.

Unknown Fact: 79% of the professionals use WhatsApp for communication at work!

The group chat feature allows to message up to 256 people at once. You can also send PDFs and other important documents over WhatsApp Business. (Files up to 100MB)

4. Team with other professionals

The modern world needs a swift and efficient communicating system. The video call feature in WhatsApp Business App lets you do that.

It has a professional networking capacity, similar to Zoom and Skype, and can be synced to your desktop for easy use.

5. Send Interactive Messages

The Interactive Messages ensure a smooth customer journey and offer a great customer experience. It allows your customers to understand the instructions easily. This could be in 2 ways:

  • CTA: By clicking on the CTA, the user gets directed to a specific webpage or can make a call
  • Quick Response: Users need not have type in the answer. The feature offers pre-defined options to select from.

6. Engage Globally

If your client base is global or your customers travel globally, the WhatsApp Business could offer an unrivaled service. Since it is free, the app has created a lot of buzzes and you know why!

The increased usage of the smartphone all around the world has accelerated the popularity of the app. Customers can now be contacted anywhere, anytime in a more organized and personal way.

7. Get your contacts back!

One of the major concerns for people who have a single SIM phone is losing all contacts. With WhatsApp Business, all your app contacts get retrieved from the phone contacts.

Therefore, you do not have to take the pressure of collecting back all your lost contacts.

8. Daily Updates

Being in an active business community, you certainly want your customers to stay updated with all the latest information. Well, the WhatsApp Business helps you do that.

Be it a new service or a new product you’re about to launch, inform your customers by sending out daily updates.

The app allows you to create broadcast lists and send out the message to a large group of people at one go. This not just saves time but connects your customers to your brand.

Tags: WhatsApp Business App