How to Make a Leadership Training Successful?

11th January, 2024

What is Important in Leadership Training?

Leadership is one of those key virtues that not only makes a person achieve more heights of success but can help businesses as well. With effective leadership, a business can witness more growth and sales within a duration. However, more than 84% of the US employees have blamed their good old managers for the underperformance of the teams. All that the employees wanted was nothing but proper guidance and training that could enrich their skills and help them improve their business situation. Even a little bit of appreciation by the managers can have a deep impact on an employee’s performance.

In a recent survey, employees from the US and Europe have offered mixed responses that depict the leadership structure in the workplace. More than 27% of learners responded that management training was boring and did not offer any interest. On the other hand, 23% of them said the training program was poorly conducted without offering ample information. With a majority of people agreeing to the fact that management training was tedious, it is safe to say that is not the leadership but the poor training programs that prevent employees from becoming leaders.

What Leadership and Development (L&D) Professionals Can Do?

Training is one of the most essential parts of raising awareness among the employees. It is critically important to ensure that managers are capable of justifying their roles and paving the path for professional growth. As an L&D Professional, it is your responsibility to make sure that your managers are well-trained and capable of handling business operations while guiding the workforce working under them. Yet it is widely visible that training programs are ineffective and so, the new managers often find themselves stuck in tricky situations where the manager requires presence of mind.

What is ‘Effective Training’ for Leadership?

Even though managers require effective training to become leaders, what constitutes effective is still a debatable question to ask. Investments done by the company can prove worthy only when the business organization decides to facilitate a new way of thinking and leading based on market trends. When there is resistance, most employees like to go back to the old days despite the comprehensive and engaging training. The companies can witness more growth when the leaders of the company have adopted and followed the ideas offered in the training program.

3 Keys of Leadership Effectiveness

1. Diversified Learning Tools

The modern digital world is evolving faster and managers have to play varied roles for the growth of the company. While project managers must learn to offer effective storytelling that helps to execute the ideas of a project more effectively, employee relations managers might need to be better at offering case studies. Therefore, every leader has different roles and based on their roles, they need to utilize various online tools and software that offer a better coverage of the story.

2. Centralized Knowledge Base

A centralized knowledge source is great for facilitating independent learning that is accessible to all. It is mainly at one spot but also available to all without needing any complex method. It helps to standardize information delivered in training across many people.

3. Social Learning and Awareness

Social learning helps managers to learn various processes and systems with their teams along with the right leadership behaviors and organizational values. It is also comprised of real-time feedback and support that helps to sustain the information gained from training.

Leadership training is a combination of both challenges and opportunities. And a leader must know which is what to churn out more effectiveness with impactful strategies. Therefore, continuous and personalized training for the managers is required.

Tags: What is Important in Leadership Training, Objectives of Leadership Training, What is Strategic Leadership Training Objectives, Why is Leadership Training Important