How to Make the Most of Body Language in Virtual Meetings?

13th March, 2023

Body Language in Virtual Meetings

Most of the time, people had to attend virtual meetings, give interviews, and also educate personnel to grow an organization to keep up with the remote working system. But in this way, the only thing that is on steak is the way people interact with one another. As most of us, we don’t have mastered the way to talk in a virtual meeting and don’t know to impressively utilize our body language optimally. Here are some tips that you might consider in your next virtual meeting and the meetings to come in the future.

1. Presentation

This is a great aspect of virtual meetings in that you can control the way you look. Choose to wear formal and make sure that you select a background that is not at all dramatic. Choose a wall painted white or you can choose a background with your bookshelf or some little plants of yours. In short, make sure you along with your background are equally presentable enough.

2. Posture

Posture is important in a face-to-face meeting as well. We can say a lot with our posture while speaking if you are leaning forward and keeping your spine straight then it means that you are interested to share the topic. Don’t make it award by arching your back if it doesn’t come naturally to force it. Sit on the edge of your seat while you write your press release. If you are not agreeable to the topic you can distance yourself by sitting back and conveying your disagreement on the topic. And lean forward to showing your keen interest.

3. Facial Expression

Practice makes men, women, and children everyone perfect. So, you need to practice your expression for your virtual meetings. Arching your brows, nodding your head, or smiling with no sound can be a great way to indicate your agreement on the topic. Being dramatic is the last thing you would want, so practice can be the key to achieving the brilliance of expressing yourself in a subtle way in a virtual meeting. Turning your camera off when you need to sneeze is not an option, rather turn off your mike and don’t let your fellow workers hear but sneezing in a meeting can be fine. In a time of exaggerating, choose to look keen and enthusiastic, which brings us to the next aspect of virtual meetings.

4. Express with Your Hands

Hand gestures are also quite underrated, when you are describing something to someone, you need to keep them busy and grab their attention throughout. Otherwise, there can be a fair chance of dizziness or worse losing interest. Have you ever thought why magicians used their hands to do the “abracadabra”? If the audience is busy looking at their hands they smoothly perform the trick. Use this in your meetings as you will see the results instantly from the next person. 

It will be fair to say that people remote working is a great inclusion. But making sure that remote working thrives you need to let adapt and evaluate yourself with the time and mastering these in your virtual meeting can open many doors for your career.

Tags: Body Language in Virtual Meetings, Non Verbal Communication in Virtual Meetings, Virtual Body Language Activities, Body Language Virtual Presentation