How to Overcome New Job Anxiety: 8 Effective Tips

23rd September, 2023

How to Overcome New Job Anxiety?

After months of handwork, assessments, and interviews; you have finally made it into a new job. Even though, you are supposed to be excited with the new job; anxiety often creeps in as the joining day comes near. According to a recent report; more than 87% of the workers experience “new job jitters”. The feeling of nervousness gets even greater as 53% of them admitted the fact that a new job role is often scarier than the performance review in every quarter.

So, how to get over this ‘New Job’ anxiety? Here are 8 effective strategies to level up your situation.

1. Identify the Source

Anxiety can get triggered for various reasons and is one of the prime reasons for switching to a new workplace. But what are you most worried about? Is it the colleagues, the job responsibility, or the new boss? While there can be multiple reasons; you need the identify the sources and address them better to get rid of them.

2. Consider Different Situations

Humans tend to immediately jump to a conclusion with a ‘worst-casescenario’ in mind. Such negative scenarios can enhance your anxiety. Therefore, consider all kinds of situations and not just the worst ones. If you think not meeting the deadline can make you get fired, then also think of how everyone will appreciate your good work when you finish the job before the deadline.

3. Ask for Help

It takes a lot of courage to ask for help and when you really feel the need to do it; do not hesitate to ask. Whether it is your friends, family, or someone from the workplace; you can talk to anybody about it whom you consider close and who can support you in all kinds of situations. You can also contact a therapist or a counselor for professional help.

4. Think of Accomplishments

Think of the good stuff you did in life and get praised for it. A new job role does not mean you are starting new; it means you are experienced enough to compete with others and skilled enough to get the job role even with tough competition. Think of the accomplishments and stay motivated. You can do It!

5. Progressive Growth Mindset

A growth mindset refers to the idea that essential qualities are cultivated through efforts. Focus on becoming a consistent learner with an indomitable spirit to overcome challenges. Push your limits gradually and always remember that; it is not about how good you are but how great you want to be.

6. Mistakes are Parts of Success

If you check some inspirational quotes by the most successful people around the world; you will notice that everyone gives importance to mistakes and that is true because you do recognize the path to success until you have failed. Failure is just part of success and you are supposed to learn from your mistakes without repeating them. Analyze your mistakes to examine what worked and what did not.

7. Gain Clarity on the Job Role

According to a recent report, more than 50% of employees around the world are unaware of what their job roles are. The report is quite alarming and shows that fact most employees are stressed and suffering from anxiety as they do not know what their boss can expect from them. So, make sure you have talked to your manager thoroughly and established your workplace roles beforehand.

8. Avoid the Job Burnout

Employees around the world are suffering from 40% more work-related anxiety and stress and 20% worse work-life balance. With a busy lifestyle, it has become quite mandatory to set healthy boundaries which helps you to deal with situations.

Bottom Line

Having job anxiety shows the fact that you actually care about your job and that is how it is supposed to be. It is okay to feel nervous and the aforementioned tips help you deal with it. Congratulations on your new job. Embark your journey at full throttle.

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