Important Features of Phishing Training Solutions for Employees

10th November, 2022

Phishing Awareness for Employees

Many businesses have been suffering from this issue and even after including various protective layers and increased security various corporate data are stolen by hackers. There are very silly reasons that are the reason for this failure. The very first things that you must take care of are –

  • Improve your password hygiene
  • Precautions you must take when there is a physical loss of a storage device
  • Try to avoid sharing sensitive files via your mobile phone
  • Try harder to prevent Phishing scams

Apart from these are various vulnerable areas as well which not getting as much attention and finally making more damage. A simple human can cause millions of dollars, before opting for the preventive steps you should what is a Phishing Scam.

A Phishing scam is an attempt to steal sensitive information from a company or personnel. It can be done via sham email which will look exactly like a legitimate email coming from a trustworthy source. A Phishing email will have to induce the recipient to provide their information including login password, or credit card details. They create a panic situation where the person is compelled to act rapidly and in some ways impulsively. Examples:

  • Suspicious activities have been detected login to confirm
  • Verify your transactions with just a click along with your bank account details
  • Click to download the attached Official documents

Some programs will easily detect any phishing emails that land in any employee's email id. To prevent this catastrophe to happen employees must have a clear view of what a phishing scam is. Along with it they also need to have proper phishing prevention training.

Select the Right Phishing Training Solution

5 crucial components will look after effective phishing training for employees.

1. Analytics Capabilities

To check whether your phishing training solutions are working properly or not you must include this. It will track your performances, and measure and analyze your reporting as well. It will also provide the organization with the two most important metrics in phishing prevention. First is reports of phishing rates and the second is failure rates.

2. Intuitiveness

While working on phishing training program employees doesn’t need to feel that they are following some extra steps to ensure security. They mustn’t feel like they are investing extra unpaid hours on the contrary they must feel like it should be a user-friendly, engaging, and rewarding program.

  • Offer them short training options
  • Try to incorporate these training sessions during the working hours
  • Offer some incentive for better performances
  • Include user-friendly interfaces that will eliminate the need for elongated tutorials

3. Customizability

These phishing training solutions are easily customizable so make sure that employees are capable to use the program easily. Along with previous training and organizational responsibilities offer those with a customizable and friendly option to make use there are enough actionable and satisfactory results.

4. Built-in Automation Tools

The most important part of preventing phishing and also increasing productivity is to have the system built-in the system. And this system will feature will lighten the load. Rather than manually orchestrating simulations, generating reports, or sending training content, your solution should be able to accomplish this automatically.

5. Long-lasting Results

During the training period, it is normal for the reporting rates to increase. But this shouldn’t stay for a long time. In three, five, or ten years the rates should not be existing. If you want phishing training solutions must last for a long time and should be working on the conductive to behavioral charges.

The only way to make sure your employees are learning this efficiently and getting to know about the program is not just the benefit your company but also for themselves as well.

Tags: Phishing Awareness for Employees, Phishing Awareness Tips, Phishing Awareness Training for Employees