Install Chat Box Support in Your Customer Service Strategy to Boost Your Company’s Success

1st June, 2021

Chat Box

In the digital age, consumer empowerment has become the main motive. This is indeed a great approach as businesses are finally making the effort to meet the expectations of the customers.

Customer Service is crucial in any sector and to cope up with the changing trend, businesses and companies offer support to their customers through Chat Box.

Responding to a potential customer immediately obviously leaves a better impression. Not only does it make them happy, but also increases the chances of conversion. So, gone are the times when one had to feed their phone number and wait for a call. That doesn’t happen anymore! Now, the fastest way to connect is through an active Chat Box.

Why? Because it genuinely helps people and reverts.

Think about it, if you need an urgent reply and the website offers a 48hours turnaround time. Will you be interested in the product anymore?

What is a Chat Box?

Artificial Intelligence is in the spotlight, and, why not?

It is an online communication method just like any other messaging tool. Two people can chat over text messages. The messages could be in the form of images, links, and documents.

It is much faster and responsive than an email or other ideal channels.

Ever wondered that are you chatting with a robot or a human?

Reports state that there’s almost a chance of 25% for it to be a robot!

Come to think of it, this could be considered as advancement for the companies. The customer service agents could now focus on something more complex.

Some data to back it up:

  • 64% of the agents with chatbox spend most of their time solving other complex and important problems
  • 50% of the agents without chatbox remain entangled with the service

However, without proper human intervention, the AI can leave the customers unsatisfied.

Customers are the most important part of any business. Apart from the quality of the product or the value of the service, it is the customer support that offers satisfaction.

Top 4 reasons why you need Chat Box today:

1. More speed = More leads

In the digitalized landscape, speed is everything. And, surprisingly most of the companies lose out on their potential leads due to lack of speed.

Do not believe it?

Well, trust the data that states:

  • Having a wait time of over 15 minutes means your brand loses nearly all the potential leads.
  • Leaving a potential lead without a response for 5 minutes decreases the conversion chances by 10 times!

In the modern age, if you do not meet the customer’s expectations, your brand cannot succeed. Why?

It is because, in today’s world, the competition is cut-throat. People don’t just wait for late response.

They are numerous options out there doing the same thing. So, why would they wait for your response?

Therefore, if you want to qualify more and more leads, ensure that your website has a Chat Box.

2. Assist people in your absence

What if you’re out of the office and receive a few important messages. How do you get back to them within five minutes?

One solution: Chat Box.

Another major invention in today’s world is being able to customize the replies to some basic questions.

Or else, you can simply respond with an automated AI that can assist the queries.

This is a great additional feature!

You can respond to the customers even in your absence. Then as per your convenience, jump back into the conversation. This way you won’t lose out on a potential lead!

3. Solve the objections instantly

How many times have you found yourself browsing a particular website or a service, but left it halfway?

Or maybe, you had some specific questions in your mind that weren’t answered in the FAQ section?

Well, if it happens to you, it means it’s probably happening to others too.

FAQs are a great way to meet surface-level queries. But, honestly, not every question could be answered in the FAQ section.

And, if someone needs an immediate response, they might just switch to somewhere else. This is another major reason why most companies have implemented the Chat Box.

It helps to overcome the objections quickly.

They’re ready to help at the moment.

4. Bid goodbye to Forms

Don’t shy away from confessing that yes, forms are dead!

Why do you think that the traditional methods of advertising are no longer effective?

It is because the consumer buying pattern has changed. And, thanks to the technological developments that it has.

One of the main reasons why people are drifting to the online world is due to personal connection.

A form feels a bit impersonal and it’s more about just building a list.

That kind of mindset has now changed. Businesses now intend to have long-term leads.

People who visit websites and end up talking to the sales representatives on the Chat Box have higher chances of conversion.

It is less time-consuming and people feel valued.

Tags: Chat Box, Chat Support, Customer Service